“It’s not to be afraid to say”

Even before the Olympics, Lauri Marjamäki speculated that Finland and Russia would meet in the final. The former national team coach feels immense joy on behalf of the gold team.

Finland defeated Russia 2-1 in the final of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Former head coach of the Lions Lauri Marjamäki says he wasn’t excited at any point. Finland was so far ahead in the game and deserved its victory. The Lions did not lose a match in the tournament.

Russia led the finals, but everything still looked good.

– Russia was unable to attack Finland’s defense together. Finland was able to play a really balanced performance, only one cool came. Zero cool in the semi-finals and now one, Marjamäki reminds.

The feeling strengthened

Numerous players familiar to Lauri Marjamäki played on the Olympic team. Teemu Hartikainen was one of the best strikers in the competition. AOP

According to Marjamäki, there were so many elements in the Finnish team that indicated success that it is no wonder that the Lions are celebrating their first Olympic gold in puck history.

Harri Säteri was excellent in the finish and Finland had four flat fields, all of which received good responsibility and all of which felt important as part of the gold medal hunt.

– The statistics also show that Finland was much better in the final. When the tournament started, I saw no obstacle as to why Finland would not win gold, Marjamäki says.

As the tournament progressed, the feeling only intensified.

– Yes, you can see and sense it somehow. Going into a small trough makes defending even easier. It should be a very well-organized team if we want to be able to dismantle the defense of Finland’s central region, for example, Marjamäki continues.

“Russia was afraid”

The Russians played tight and low-profile matches in the Games. The group stage Czech game was an exception, scoring ten goals in regular time. EPA / AOP

By the way, there was no paint at the Olympics. According to Marjamäki, this time the Olympics were a bit more of a defensive game.

In the end, it happened as often before: Russia hit its head against the wall when Finland came up against it. The lion crew is not suitable for the Russians, not at all.

– It’s probably no coincidence that this has happened so many times. Jalosen Jukka with his team has received such an excellent Game Plan against Russia. Even today, we were allowed to stay on the puck and rhythm, and the Russians want the puck. Then they didn’t get anything done, Marjamäki says.

Finland has some kind of spiritual advantage over Russia.

– In a way, Russia was also a little afraid that Finland would be strong and they knew how well Finland was playing.

The aura of success

Jukka Jalonen has won practically everything possible. What is missing from the prize cabinet at the national team level is mostly only the World Cup, which is rarely played ani. EPA / AOP

Marjamäki praises Jukka Jalo, who brought another big achievement to Finland. The ex-lion pilot raises his hat to his colleague’s merits.

– He has a fire to develop himself and stay on the crest of hockey all the time. Winning brings peace and confidence to players.

Jalonen has really won. Marjamäki starts laughing as he lists his accomplishments. World Cup gold, World Cup gold, Finnish Championship gold, now Olympic gold …

– Yes, there is quite a line for one guy! He is probably the coach at his best at the moment, he has found a balance, Marjamäki glows.

Marjamäki is satisfied, because young coaches also need role models. He believes many young coaches are inspired by Jalos. A Finnish coach can get into a tough position when he is humble to the game and can passionately pack from year to year.

– The aura of success is already quite strong in Jukka. It is felt.

In addition to coaching, Marjamäki is of course proud of all the players, the management team and the guardians.

Home races ahead

Harri Säteri may also be among the poles in Finland in May. AOP

Olympic gold also further propelled the self-esteem of the Finnish puck nation. If Finland could have more hockey-crazy people at all now.

– Yes, we are the number one country in Europe at the moment, looking at it in any way, Marjamäki says.

Finland will become the number one country in the IIHF ranking thanks to its Olympic victory.

Marjamäki is waiting for his own matches with the Jokers in the KHL playoffs. The team includes five players from the Lion.

In addition to joker games, Marjamäki can’t wait for the spring World Cup. Finland will play in front of the home crowd in May. The Olympic victory was the best advertisement for a nation thirsting for access to the auditorium after a long period of interest in interest.

– And the Lions have played for themselves as pre-favorites. That is not to be feared. There will be great games.

The World Championships will be played in Tampere and Helsinki.

– Yes, there must be a good team if Finland wins in the spring. At least I haven’t seen the country that can tactically shake us yet, Marjamäki concludes.

Video: Discovery +
