its internal tools would have been the target of a malicious intrusion

Nvidia confirmed this February 25 to the British media The Telegraph to have been the target of a — probable — cyberattack having affected for two days its internal messaging systems, but also certain development tools. For the time being, the firm remains cautious and simply explains ” investigate an incident without saying much more. ” Our business and commercial activities continue uninterrupted added Nvidia. ” We are still working to assess the nature and scope of the event and have no additional information to share at this time. “, we read further on the comments reported by Reuters.

As pointed out Engadgetthe networks of the firm would however have been the target of a ” malicious intrusion “significant enough to” compromise completely “Its internal systems, assures a source with knowledge of the case, approached by The Telegraph.

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Nvidia is recovering from a probable cyberattack

According to this source, Nvidia’s internal messaging systems would be operational again since Friday, but it is still unclear whether this potential cyberattack led to data theft from Nvidia or its customers. We will probably have to wait for the conclusions of the internal investigation conducted by the American GPU giant to find out more.

Engadget indicates that it is currently impossible to attribute this attack to Russia. Given the economic retaliation measures taken by the United States against Russia, following its invasion of Ukraine, the likelihood of Russian retaliation in cyberspace is nevertheless significant. Faced with this geopolitical context, targeting large American companies would indeed make sense for hackers led by the Kremlin.

We have no information to suggest a specific and credible cyber threat to US territory, but it is our responsibility to prepare “Admitted Alejandro Mayorkas, US Secretary of State for Homeland Security, before the invasion of Ukraine by the troops of Vladimir Putin. Needless to say, since then the context has hardened. As a reminder, the United States and several other allied nations have also announced that they will block shipments of semiconductors to Russia. A measure that could prove to be extremely severe if it is correctly implemented.
