‘It’s good that people don’t like Marieke Elsinga’

Carlo Boszhard thinks it is a good thing that Marieke Elsinga has been receiving so much criticism lately. “The fact that there are people who don’t like her is actually a compliment.”

© William Rutten, Rob Jacobs

Marieke Elsinga has been under fire lately because the presenter has poor TV formats. First she had Irene Moors hit a shuffleboard in a daze for an hour and now in The Jump she knocks all kinds of innocent people off a high bridge. This is really going in the wrong direction, critics say.

‘They don’t like her’

Carlo Boszhard thinks it is exaggerated. You can’t blame her if a show flops, he writes in his column Television. “As a presenter in television, you are only as good as your format and your competitor allows you. Don’t make it too personal, a hit show is often a hit without you. And you can’t give millions of viewers to a flop.”

It is possible to add something, Carlo writes. “And Marieke Elzinga can do that. Her flair on the radio and as a panelist on I Can See Your Voice is wonderful. The fact that there are people who don’t like her is actually a compliment. Marieke has finished.”

Marieke Elzinga

How sweet that Carlo stands up for her, but couldn’t he have just googled her name? Of course it is Elsinga and not Elzinga. What does Carlo actually think of Marieke letting Irene hit a shuffleboard like that? “Everything has already been written about Everything is Music, so I’ll let that go.”

Shame. And what about her new show The Jump? “The new leap – or rather Jump – in her career has gotten off to a good start. And of course that show is also immediately put under a magnifying glass by many TV experts.”


Angela de Jong is extremely critical of this show. “Yes, I feel sorry for those 700,000 people who sat through that voluntarily. I watched because I thought I should see the second episode, but I didn’t make it to the end,” she sneers in the latest AD Media podcast.

He continues: “We already talked about the level last week. This week I believe the level of the candidates was even lower. They didn’t get past the sixth line or so. I find it so stupid. But hey, there’s an audience for it. RTL audience apparently.”

Solid audience

Doesn’t Carlo share any criticism of the show? “Admittedly, as far as I’m concerned, the candidates don’t need to get jokes from the editors. Sorry, but if I had been standing there I would have personally thrown that copywriter off the bridge. So unnecessary. Trust Marieke’s talent, with her it can be fun enough.”

Carlo hopes to see ‘even more of her flair’ in the upcoming episodes. “Just let’s have a blast, because there will soon be tough competition from Even to here. Hopefully a solid audience will have been built up by then.”

‘Really big’

Johan Derksen thinks that Marieke is seriously damaging her career by coming up with such bad formats, but Carlo thinks that is a bit exaggerated.

He continues: “I also had a flop at the beginning of my career and had to let go of the fear of jumping. Mark my words: Marieke will become a great person in the profession.”
