Italy opens in Albania two opvangcentra voor migrants die op zee zijn gered | Buitenland

Italië zal in Albanië – the geen lid is van de EU – two centra openen for de opvang van migrants die op zee zijn gered. The Italian premier Giorgia Meloni took part in an akkoord ondertekend with hair Albanese ambtgenoot Edil Rama.

The two Italian authorities will operate the center in the lens of the following year. There are around 3,000 migrants here, and around 39,000 per year as a result of the large population. This is shown in a document from the overheid services in the French language never sent to AFP.

The two opvangcentra must be followed by the procedures for the treatment of asielaanvragen and eventual repatriëringen quickly. The first center is in the haven of Shëngjin. The migrants were identified and identified. The center in Gjadër is state in front of the green procedures.

Both centers come from Italian jurisdictie. The Albanese politie staat in voor de protection and bewaking.

The Italiaans-Albanees akkoord heeft geen betrekking op “minorjarigen, forcedere vrouwen en kwetsbare people”, aldus Meloni, aan de zijde van Rama.

EU lidmaatschap

In Italy, 145,000 migrants arrived in January, compared to 88,000 last year in the same period. Rome deed a beroep op solidariteit van Europeanse partners, maar geen gehoor. “As Italy has an opproep, Albanië is present”, aldus Rama. Hijgt the stone of Meloni for an Albanees EU-lidmaatschap.

“Albanië confirms that the country is in high demand and is now open to the EU, the country is being pushed as a product of the lid state,” Zei ze. “I know from the old Italian countries in the country that the food production met the Western Balkan stones.”

The Albanese premier Edil Rama and his college Giorgia Meloni. © ANP / EPA
