Italy decrees a state of immigration emergency for six months

The Italian Council of Ministers has approved this Tuesday a decree by which it declares the state of immigration emergencyafter the landing on the Italian coasts of more than 3,000 migrants in the last days. The objective is to provide “more effective and rapid responses for the management of migrants and their distribution in the national territory”, as well as to promote “identification and expulsion activities”, government sources have reported in a note to which this diary.

The measure has as an immediate consequence that the Italian Government has additional funds for the management of the migratory phenomenon in Italywhich includes initial financing of five million euros, already assigned and from the Fund for National Emergencies, has been reported. The money will be used within the duration of the state of emergency, which at the moment has been set for a period of six months, although it is not excluded that it may be extended.

In addition, the new rule will also allow “increase and strengthen“the structures destined to repatriation of migrants who “do not have the right to remain in Italy”, the same sources have added. In this line, it also represents a new touch of attention to the European Unionwith which “continues” the work to “find a common strategy” on immigration.

Almost 32,000 migrants

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The decision comes after, since autumn last year, Italy has registered a growing increase in arrivals to the country, especially from Tunisia. Specifically, so far this year, Italy has received 31,292 migrants that reached its shores through the central Mediterranean route, according to figures from the transalpine Ministry of the Interior.

This number represents almost four times more than that of the same period in 2022 (7,928) and that of 2021 (8,505), which has triggered the operations of the Italian Coast Guard at a time when the presence of the NGOs is harassed by the Government of Giorgia Meloni.
