Italië laat 200 bootvluchtelingen dan toch within | Buitenland

Two days later, in the harbor of the Italian coast of Catania, there were 200 overflown migrants on the reddding ship. Dat heeft Riccardo Gatti van Artsen zonder borders dinsdagavond meegedeeld.

The positive decision was made after the Italian government authorities of the people on the board had the separate zone and the light on the big squares because of humanitarian talks on the land.

Gatti spoke of 213 people who said “Snel, hopelijk nog deze Nacht” het schip zouden like.

Since het team van artsen, psychologists and vertalers koers naar het Duitse redddingsschip Humanity 1, that eveneens in de haven wacht op toelating om 35 migrants aan country te laten komen. Of the fact that there is also light on the big screen, it is still onduidelijk.

He was also responsible for grandchildren, children and women in his country.

The new government of Italy, the most rights are the Tweede Wereldoorlog, heeft beloofd migrants hard aan te pakken. Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Matteo Piantedos zei recentelijk dat op zee talked migranten de responsibility zijn van de staat onder Wiens vlag de boten varen.

Reddingswerkers bring sea migrants to land on Sicily

Humanitarian ship Ocean Viking has 234 migrants on board on reddsing actions on the Middellandse Zee
