Italians are more sedentary, but there is a boom in subscriptions among children – iO Donna

F.are sport is essential to feel good. Yet, two years of the pandemic and the consequent limitations and interruptions to physical activity they have made Italians more sedentary. In the autumn of last year, in fact, the number of packages and lessons purchased was 9% less compared to the previous year, in a reference period for the renewal of season tickets and the resumption of sporting practice. Children go against the trend.

Sport: the return of children

2021 for children, on the other hand, it marked a real return to sport, with + 299% of bookings compared to September 2020. This is revealed by a study by‘Observatory Sportclubby, the main platform for booking sports and wellness, with more 700 thousand sports and 800 facilities throughout Italy. According to Ministry of Health: «Failure to comply with current physical activity recommendations is responsible for over 5 million deaths globally each year across all age groups»It is estimated that over 23% of adults and 80% of adolescents are not physically active enough.


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The elderly most affected

The drop in registrations in the gym or in individual courses has been felt especially in the more mature segment of the population, especially over 65 years in which there was a worrying minus 28%. Yet, according to Sportclubby data, the over 50s make up about one third of those who attend sports centers. A growing number of Italians who, with the progressive aging of the population, will increasingly need accessible sports services to avoid serious health consequences. And that will probably push gyms to review their offer, in order not to lose members.

Physical activity in old age

«Physical activity, in particular, is a key element in achieving the objectives of the healthy and active aging strategy due to its ability to preserve functional independence in old age and to maintain a good quality of life. Exercise helps you age better both physically and psychologically, controls arterial hypertension and lipid profile, especially cholesterol levels, contributes to prevent or delay the onset of chronic diseases related to aging, reduces the risk of the consequences of osteoporosis and fall trauma ”, highlights the Ministry of Health.



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