Italian: “You want quality in front, but you also need it behind in defending”

The purple technician Vincenzo Italiano spoke to Dazn in the post-match of Fiorentina-Lazio:

“Great credit to Lazio, but for what we saw in the first half we did not deserve the 0-3. At the slightest distraction they punished us, we could have done much better on a defensive level. We have the qualities to start again quickly, we will try to do it. There were three situations in which we chased all over the pitch, we need to work better on preventive scoring. You want quality in front, but you also need to have it behind in defending. The result seems like a disaster, but in practice it isn’t like that. . The winger and the strikers have the qualities to score goals in every moment of the game. We lost a great finisher, but we just have to try to integrate the new ones in the shortest possible time. The defeat is not the daughter of everything that happened in the last few days, but of our carelessness. We are at the top, every time we managed to start again and we will do it again “.


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