Italian vice-premier Salvini marries extreme right-wing bond notes in Firenze | Buitenland

Opvallend was the afwezigheid of Geert Wilders, great victory of the Verkiezingen in Netherlands, and the Marine Le Pen of the Franse Rassemblement National. They speak wel a video booth in.

The seeds will be organized under the slogan: “Bevrijd Europa! Jobs, Veiligheid, Gezond Mind”. The bedoeling was om orde op zaken te positions in the European fraction ‘Identiteit en Democratie’ (ID) in aanloop naar de Europeanse verkiezingen.

For Salvini he had the bijeenkomst also a domestic political party, with the name of onderscheiden from the ‘Fratelli d’Italia’ from the head of the first minister Giorgia Meloni.
