Italian diplomats target of vandalism in Berlin and Barcelona | Abroad

Italian diplomacy has become the target of two separate vandalism incidents in Berlin and Barcelona, ​​the foreign ministry announced on Saturday.

According to the ministry, unknown persons set fire to the car of an employee of the Italian embassy in Berlin on Friday evening. The German security services are investigating the incident. It is currently unclear whether the act was directed against the diplomat or the Italian government. In Barcelona, ​​on the other hand, the windows of the Italian consulate were destroyed and a wall defaced. The graffiti suggests that anarchists were at work.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said in a statement that her government “is following with concern these new cases of violence against officials and diplomatic missions”. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani is considering whether the diplomatic buildings and personnel should be better protected.

Not first time

At the beginning of December, the car of an employee of the embassy in Athens was also set on fire. A Greek anarchist group claimed responsibility.

According to media reports, Italian security services are investigating a link between the incidents and the hunger strike of convicted anarchist Alfredo Cospito. With this he protests against the strict prison regime imposed on him during his prison sentence in Sardinia.

Images from the consulate in Barcelona show graffiti asking for amnesty and release of Cospito.
