It will be a long flu epidemic: “We are on our way to the second peak, that is atypical” | Instagram VTM NEWS

“It will be a long flu epidemic.” So says Sciensano virologist Steven Van Gucht. “A normal flu season has one peak, now we are on our way to number two.” Will there be a new vaccination round? And when will the epidemic subside?

Sciensano’s weekly flu bulletin is clear: from the beginning of January until now, many more people have gone to their GP sick. And not with stomach or other complaints. One in five patients visiting today shows flu-like symptoms such as a runny nose, cough or sore throat, and also tests positive for influenza. The number of consultations for flu rose this week to 225 per 100,000 inhabitants. This is above the epidemic threshold of 53 consultations per 100,000 inhabitants. The number of corona infections also rose again, albeit slightly.

It seems like everyone is sick, or getting sick again. “We are indeed evolving towards a second flu peak,” says virologist Steven Van Gucht. “The number of infections will certainly increase. Until the crocus holidays, everyone can expect a lot of flu. So we’re not done yet. Because if there is one month that is really registered as flu month, it is February.”

The flu season also had two peaks in 2019, but such a course is rather atypical. Van Gucht: “The flu season started earlier than usual, with a first peak at the end of December. Viewed over the last ten years, this is rather exceptional. Usually we don’t see high numbers until after the Christmas holidays. Now the epidemic is getting a second breath. The corona pandemic has disrupted the last flu seasons a bit.”

Does a second flu shot help, for example for the elderly? “No, a flu shot works for six months. A syringe should suffice. We are not going to vaccinate a second time,” says Van Gucht.

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