‘It really doesn’t work that way’

Paul Römer, one of the many owners at Talpa, denies Johan Derksen’s claim that he is the inventor of the plan to bring Marcel van Roosmalen and Gijs Groenteman to SBS 6.

© SBS 6

Johan Derksen has been calling since November that SBS 6 should bring in the duo Marcel van Roosmalen and Gijs Groenteman for a talk show. That will really happen now: from June 5, they will make a daily talk show for a month at the time of Today Inside. And that came as quite a surprise.

“John does everything!”

Johan himself states that the big boss John de Mol simply listened to him. “In the end, John does everything I say. I was jeered off, wasn’t it, when I came up with it? Derided!”

Colleague Wilfred Genee: “You are taken seriously, also within this organization, because how long has it been since you said that about those guys, Groenteboer and Van Roosmalen?”

Johan: “It probably had to sink in with the management of Talpa, but in principle I give advice once and if they don’t do it: own fault, big bump.”

Talpa denies

Paul Römer, one of the many bosses at Talpa who was in the front during the candle riot to publicly bash the VI gentlemen and was attacked harshly by René van der Gijp, says that Johan is talking nonsense.

This morning, together with Talpa enemy Angela de Jong, he was in the Media forum on NPO Radio 1. In it she says: “Johan Derksen has talked about it so often in recent months that when he announced that something big would be announced the day after, I thought: oh, that’s that, he’s got it right got it done.”

Paul: “Do you think Johan Derksen managed to do this?”

‘Doesn’t work like that’

Obviously, said Angela. “Well, at least he has prepared the minds for it over the past period.”

Paul measuredly: “Okay.”

Presenter Ghislaine Plag: “Didn’t Johan have any part in that, Paul?”

Paul: “No, I don’t think so. I don’t think it works that way.”

Ghislaine: “Well, don’t the gentlemen have a bit of influence?”

Paul: “No, absolutely zero on the program schedule. Just as we have no influence on the content of that programme, because they are completely independent in their substantive choices, they have absolutely nothing to do with the SBS schedule.”

‘Don’t believe it’

Angela: “So it came into your mind completely loosely to approach the two of them and that Johan brought it up on television is completely coincidental?”

Paul: “Yes.”

Angela: “Yeah, well, I don’t believe it.”

Paul: “Okay.”

Derksen transmitter

Angela doubts whether Gijs and Marcel will work on SBS 6. “I don’t think that people who tune in to Johan Derksen every night because they are curious what he has to say, and to hear the opinion that may also be in their heads, that they also have that with those two.”

She continues: “I don’t think they turn on the television in the evening to hear what Marcel van Roosmalen thinks about something. He is also outspoken, but in the other direction.”

Paul, who himself comes from public broadcasting: “It will also be a different program. Not the entire transmitter is the Johan Derksen transmitter. That’s just an hour.”
