Have passed three years and nine months since the implementation in Barcelona of the low emissions zone (ZBE). After intense work of more than three years, a moratorium, many communication campaignsan intense social and political debate and even one court ruling which forced the modification of the ordinance that regulates it, still generates discussion and controversy today. The Spanish climate change law helps, forcing municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants to have it in place from January 1, which happens in just over 10% of the cities mentioned. But, above all, so much fuss has to do with the sacred habits of mobility of the citizens. So difficult to modify, no matter how much good intention there is. The RACC, in collaboration with Zurich Seguros, presented a survey on the subject this Wednesday. Conclusion: the invention “needs improvement” in aspects such as comprehension of its operation, and, for now, not to mention urban tolls or tighten restrictions.
Let’s go ahead and talk about a survey carried out on about 1,000 people, distributed half and half between Barcelona and the towns of the Barcelona Metropolitan Areawith what this implies about the daily trips and access to the big city by public transport. It is also relevant that about 78% are over 34 years old and that there are only 3% students and 21% retirees. In any case, and having said that, the general assessment of the ZBE It is not an explosion of joy. Asked about the management, 39% failed it, 45% gave it between 5 and 7 and 16% gave it above 8. The average grade, probably due to the barrage of zerosis 4.6.
No more vetoes
He overall support for the instrument is positive, with 51% who support it and 35% who repudiate it (there are 14% who do not get involved). The latter may be among the 45% of those interviewed who maintain that low-emission zones they are not easy to understand, which does not imply that they have not assimilated them. In this section there is also 55% who have grasped the message and philosophy of the ZBE. About the future there is some unanimity in what you don’t have to go further with the restrictions: 55% do not want to veto the yellow labels while 27% would see it well. And should they be applied in all municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants? Equality on the scoreboard, with 42% both for and against.

Let’s go with him change of habits since the expulsion of the most polluting automobiles. According to the RACC survey, the modal split is practically the same now as before January 2020. 9.1% of those surveyed claim to have changed their mode of transport, but the active mobility remains at 18%, the use of public transport has risen from 41.7% to 43.3% and the commitment to private vehicles has decreased from 40.3% to 38.7%.
From car to bus
¿How many have abandoned the car?, which after all is the ultimate objective of the ZBE? According to the automobile club, 10.5%, which have been distributed as follows: 6% go on foot, by bike or scooter; 82% use the bus or train in all their forms, and 12% have switched to motorcycles. At the other extreme, only 2.5% of those who did not use a car before now do. 24% were active mobility, 64% were part of the public transportation family and 12% were motorcyclists.
Asked about the new experience in public transport, 50% of former drivers say that the quality of their trips has worsenedby 21% who see it equally well and 29% who consider that his mobility has improved. Among the doomsayers, there are many who complain that now they take longerfor also they observe more discomfort, more fatigue and more complications. Among those happy with the transition to the bus or the railway, the reliabilitysecurity, comfort or the price.
the same cars
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The translation in traffic All of this data also has its place in the RACC study. 50% of those interviewed believe that the ZBE does not improve congestionby 33% who do believe that it helps the fluidity of the motorized movements. The city council itself, in the previous mandate, explained that nearly 600,000 daily trips in polluting vehicles had been eliminated. But he also admitted that It did not mean that there were fewer cars circulating. The reality is that there was more of a renewal of the fleet than the desired transition towards sustainable mobility. According to municipal figures, Barcelona has lost 11% of cars since 2015, but the Ronda de Dalt takes over 8% more.
Cristian Bardají, director of the Mobility area of the RACC, has summarized the situation with an educational simile: “The low emissions zone needs to improve.” He has also pointed out that the environmental umbrella “has not had a direct impact on traffic“, and has recommended, with a view to future expansions to other municipalities, that there be a “certain harmony in the regulations and that the application be simple.” And a recommendation: “There will be no modal transfer towards public transport if the user experience is not qualityand the surveys tell us that that is not happening yet.