“It may be too late in an hour”

Vladimir Klitshko defends his homeland in the war.

Vladimir Klitshko is asking the world for help. AOP

Ukrainian boxing legend Vladimir Klitshko posted a stop video on Twitter. Among other things, he explains how Ukrainian civilians have died in attacks by Russia.

The man calls on the whole world to take immediate action to end the war in the heart of Europe.

– You must act now to stop aggressive Russia. You have to do everything in front of it now. In an hour or tomorrow, it may be too late, Klitshko says in a video.

Finally, the serious fist hero summarizes the minute video in four sentences.

– Act now! Don’t wait. Act now. Stop this war!

Klitshko enlisted in Ukraine’s defense forces before Russia’s first attacks. Man’s brother Vitali Klitshko is the mayor of Kiev.

Vitali Klitshko is also a heavyweight boxing legend.

If the video doesn’t appear on your device, you can watch it from here.
