“It may be nice, it’s a stoute”: on guilty video of Rousseau wordt on social media fully in its context Conner Rousseau

“’Heeft je hond je aldingen bijgeleerd in het leven?’ Nope. I can hoop it in a few things, even if it’s a little louder and it doesn’t have any ropes on it, it’s also said that it can be looped in the picture. “It may be nice, it’s a stout,” says Conner Rousseau to the man.

For summer it is now possible to see the Rousseau and when sober over the noise is gone, it never knocks. On Instagram, the person responds in a short time to the film, which in its own way says “door extreemrechts fully uit de context wordt trokken”. “I know the name of the (bruine) who is in love,” the man responded in a comment. “I know Conner as my heel and the man is all racist.”

“This was an innocent mopje waar ik op dat moment heel erg meegellachen heb, maar dat tonen ze niet in dit fragmentje”, vult hij verder aan. “This is the kind of humor I used in Conner. Conner helped me a lot, I had a lot of respect. I know that now what you are doing is my reaction and the people stop the blame.”
