“It is very nice to see the Olímpic so happy”

06/01/2022 at 02:07


The coach of Joventut de Badalona was very satisfied to reach the semi-finals

“It is very difficult to play a semifinal of the ACB League. Now it’s time to rest and we will face the best team in the regular phase”, he pointed out

Carles Duran, coach of Joventut de Badalona, ​​valued his team’s advance to the semi-finals after beating Tenerife. “The desert has been long, but the team has done a great job. We have hooked people again, with seven homegrown players. It is very nice to see the Olímpic like this”, declared the Penya coach to the televisions with rights.

Duran, with a perennial smile on his lips, did not stop looking at the stands of the Olímpic de Badalona, ​​where people were celebrating the pass to the semifinals, where they will face the almighty Barcelona. “What we have achieved against a team like Tenerife has incredible merit”, pointed out the coach. To conclude by asserting: “It is very difficult to play a semifinal of the ACB League. Now it’s time to rest and we will face the best team in the regular phase“.
