“It is to contrast information”

02/18/2022 at 01:06


“Don Julio, I am Álvaro González, the president of the Municipal Housing Company. She called him to see if we could meet contrast information that has come to me if possible”. It is part of the excerpt from the conversation revealed by El Mundo that the position of the City council of Madrid maintained with the detective whom they tried to entrust espionage to the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso. The information, which workers of your company had contacted Mira Research Group for a specific assignment: get confidential bank and tax details of the brother of the leader, Tomas Diaz Ayuso, who committed possible irregularities in contracts awarded in April 2020, during the worst of the pandemic, to acquire FFP2 and FFP3 masks, by the Community. More specifically, they wanted access to an extract from his bank account and the Treasury declaration of the company to which the purchase had been awarded.

González, as extracted from the conversation, insisted on meeting with the detective last January, but it could not be held with such haste due to a trip planned by the director of the detective agency.

In December, after being informed through a minister of the Government of Mariano Rajoy, Isabel Diaz Ayuso explained to the mayor of Madrid, Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida the attempted espionage from the Municipal Housing Company (EMVS). In addition, the mayor and spokesman for the PP was also informed through former Minister of Justice Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón. This caused Martínez-Almeida to order an internal investigation, which has consisted of taking statements from different EMVS workers and even confronting each other.
