It is scandalous that Groningen children need food aid DVHN commentary

It is too easy to get into debt and far too difficult to arrange benefits and income assistance. Children are too often the victims of this.

Starting this week, the Red Cross will be handing out food parcels to a number of primary school children in Hoogezand. From this school season, students at Winkler Prins in Veendam can receive bread and fruit at school in the morning. It is scandalous that otherwise children would go to school hungry.

The Netherlands is one of the richest countries in the world and average incomes are higher than in the vast majority of countries. However, it is apparently not possible to get everyone to share in this. Various politicians point out in this election campaign that food banks have grown enormously in the last ten years and ‘social security’ is not without reason an important theme.

One of the causes is that the system of benefits, allowances, subsidies and assistance has become far too complicated. Those who are smart and shrewd can supplement a low income with all kinds of extras. But those who are less familiar with administration and legal regulations have a more difficult time.

Moreover, a growing group is downright distrustful, for various reasons, and poorly informed. Part of the population does not know what is possible or simply does not dare to apply for all kinds of extras.

You are not even eligible for the food bank. You have to fill out forms and provide proof that you really have a very low income. Anyone who ends up just above that will soon lose their right to a food package. While there is also a significant group of middle income earners who find it difficult to make ends meet due to debts or high fixed costs.

Children are the victims of this. The fallen cabinet is also aware of this. The plans for Budget Day mainly included measures to limit poverty among children. It just mainly comes down to sticking plasters. To really change these dire situations, the way in which we arrange income support, debts and benefits will have to change.
