It is different to get paid for working than to pay for vomiting.

The money that the creatures on TV take. Ah! This is a recurring gossip topic. And these days she has shot again. Maybe because Xavier Sarda has declared in the afternoons of ‘Ana Rosa’ (Telecinco) that in ‘Crónicas Marcianas’ he received “50 million pesetas for the first three months, and then, if the program continued, more.”

Since ‘Chronicles…’ lasted seven years, his salary surely reached colossal heights. Also the other day in the tribute massage that was given on ‘Col.lapse’ (TV3) to the owner of the production company Minoria Absoluta, Toni Solerwarned that Twitter haters always throw him “You bastard, you’re getting rich.” And he added in a joking tone: “Nooo, now it’s Ustrell!” Indeed today Ricard Ustrell, Through its production company La Manchester, it has managed to take over TV3’s afternoons from Monday to Thursday, Saturday nights and Catalunya Ràdio’s mornings. Fabulous progress. It deserves an admiring and detailed analysis.

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Continuing with this excitement about TV salaries and pay, ‘Espejo Público’ (A-3 TV) warned that Telecinco could have paid Angel Cristo Jr. 100,000 euros to give birth to his mother. And 150,000 to Fran Rivera for talking about “the woman who married my father”, I mean, Isabel Pantoja. Man, it is advisable to distinguish and not mix. It is one thing to receive a salary for working and quite another to pay for vomiting. Television vomiting is a one-off activity. At Telecinco there are true specialists in the art of provoking it. They normally look for creatures that are out of tobacco.

We didn’t know that Frank Rivera He was short of money. Of Isabel Pantoja has released: “He’s not a good person.” The other case, that of Angel Cristo Jr., is a vomit that the chain offers in slow motion. It’s been three Fridays now. Telecinco’s interest is that his mother, Barbara King, I remain like a vile blackmailer, and Juan Carlos, then King and Captain General of the Armies, like a poor, defenseless blackmailed man. Now those Mexican verses come to mind Juana Inés de La Cruz, perhaps the first feminist in history: «Foolish men who accuse women without reason / without seeing that you are the occasion of the same thing that you blame (..) Tell me, who is more to blame, the one who sins for the pay or the one who pays to sin?». Ahh! What a great sister Juana Inés. He wrote it 340 years ago and it is absolutely current.
