It is curious, the great coverage of the PP was in La Sexta

From a television point of view, what just happened with the PP event held in Madrid is strange. The most friendly networks, most inclined to this political formation, have not stepped up to provide glorious live coverage.

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The TRECE TV network, the venue where PP leaders are usually courted, passed the event brilliantly. They gave us the Holy Mass from Hinojosa del Duque, and then an interview-report about Hakuna, a charismatic Christian movement. On Toro TV, another platform that lovingly embraces everything that concerns Vox and ‘populares’, they did not dedicate a second to covering the event either. They offered us reports on the San Antón festivities in Mirambel (Teruel), and an interview with the priest, Legionary of Christ, Rafael Pou, author of the book ‘Bar Philosophy for a Postmodern World’. On TeleMadrid they did connect live with the event. But it was brief. Brief. The Socialist Party of Madrid had demanded that public television resources not be allocated to cover a particular event of a party, and TeleMadrid opted for an unstable balance. He connected live, but only for a while. They soon moved on to a report on the world of bees and the benefits of honey. The rest of the major telehippodrome channels (TVE1, T5, Antena 3 TV) did not offer any live broadcasts. The only one that was broadcasting widely, from 12:30 to 2 p.m., non-stop, was curiously La Sexta. Cristina Villanueva hosted this ‘Informative Special’. He did, however, do a singular maneuver: he split the screen in two, and on one side we saw Feijóo in the PP act, and in the other Pedro Sanchez at the Gavà Rose Festival. She achieved a suggestive contrast.

It is clear how stupid those from this time have been. Feijóo when it comes to mobilizing their related chains to achieve ‘agitprop’. They should have studied that TV3 from the trial years, when she was an unbeatable cheerleader. In a connection that later, on ‘TNmigdía’ (TV-3) they made with Madrid, they interviewed participants at the event and they said that they had even had to bring the sandwich from home. Man, that’s done differently. Generous picnic bags are provided to attendees, as well as tickets for musical shows. Tickets for ‘Malinche’ Nacho Cano at Ifema, it would have been an appropriate detail.
