“It doesn’t matter what field you dedicate yourself to if you do it with passion and perseverance”

Julieta, why did you dedicate yourself entirely to the real estate business?

I discovered the real estate business 7 years ago. The wonderful thing about this item is that it always holds up. Of course, to sustain and grow there is a great work of improvement and continuous training and a real dedication to service. That is why it is important to be in a constant state of learning.

In my particular case, I wanted to develop the possibility of working with the boutique concept, based on customer experiences, a genuine interaction with them, personalized service and professionalism in each real estate operation or service that we provide.

Also over the years I found in this area a niche that has no ceiling. It is a democratic category for everyone, that is, it has no prejudice in terms of age: I have worked with 20-year-old youths and 70-year-old women. In addition, there is the possibility of working with a very clear approach in terms of gender perspective. Women are acquiring more and more spaces, in fact we currently have, in my company, a greater female quota. Inclusion has to be real, not just some nice organizational talk.

What skill did you have to develop?

I have been working in customer service and sales since I was very young, which is why the combination of both allowed me to always understand the client and empathize with each particular situation.

I graduated as an auctioneer and public broker, and I’m close to graduating from Labor Relations at the UBA. As time went by, I looked every year to acquire new tools, and complementary courses. This is how I specialized in disciplines such as Coaching, leadership courses, digital marketing tools, high performance and productivity programs, financial education, among others. I am curious by nature and I believe that training together with natural skills prepares us to provide an increasingly professional service. Without going any further, I work as a mentor for different offices and real estate consultants, which I really enjoy and I also learn from my colleagues. It is for all this, that always motivates us to add knowledge to our own toolbox in order to have a much more holistic look at what we decide to undertake. It doesn’t matter what field you dedicate yourself to if you do it with passion and perseverance.

What is the trend for 2023? whatHow is the real estate outlook this first quarter of 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year? What can we expect in the short term?

Considering that the year has just begun, I am going to base myself on the past 12 months, when there has been a 25% increase in sales in the sector. The outlook looks quite encouraging. In the short term, I understand that this trend will continue to be sustained and will be sold by those who understand that since there is so much product on the market, its value will continue to be governed by price competition. In addition, an important fact is that we are negotiating with more and more informed buyers thanks to the advancement of technology.

Are you optimistic about sales or do you think the levels will decrease?

Yeah! I am always optimistic! Beyond my perception, except in a pandemic and as a case of force majeure, the real estate market has always survived and had very generous peaks, despite the different economic moments in the country. I think the challenge is to generate more options for those who want to buy their first home, improve tax policies, and understand that the real estate service also fluctuates in relation to sociological behaviors, apart from economic ones.

What should happen for a favorable scenario for the sector to take place this year?

Understanding that buyer behavior is key, generating new opportunities for access to housing would also increase demand, and not forgetting that this is an election year, which is why it generates a duality of behaviors of both speculation and optimism and knowing how to see them as opportunities is also generating a favorable scenario.

What are the main concerns that customers bring regarding the item?

Most of the concerns have to do with the real market knowledge and the entire process of a real estate transaction.

What do you say to all those people who say that they can carry out an operation of the magnitude of a buy-sell on their own?

First of all, I feel a lot of admiration, an operation is a process that entails many legal and juridical formalities, and technical knowledge is necessary so that it can be arranged correctly. That is why we study and enroll, however I will always recommend that they seek advice from a trusted professional. Advice is free of charge, and saves us future headaches.

What services do you provide to your customers and why do they choose you?

We focus on the purchase and sale of properties, real estate advice and assistance throughout the circuit of the same.

To be clear: we first seek to understand the client’s objective and subsequent “what for” in order to provide a integral adviser. Counseling is part of the service and is free of charge.For us, being able to be a source of valuable information is a great compliment and commitment.

After the advice, we explain the market context at that specific moment, we offer options in relation to the client’s objectives, we set expectations and we begin with the commercialization of the same.

In the marketing or search process, we always seek to have contact with the owners so that they are aware of it and its impact, and once we are in the final stretch of the sale or purchase, we accompany you throughout the process. legal notary, moving, and customer loyalty. We like to be recommended and we work to generate a great service experience.

Contact information:

Juliet Ricardo

Public auctioneer

WhatsApp: 1164507015

Address: Ramallo 3399, CP1429, CABA

Web: www.julietaricpropiedades.com.ar


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