“It doesn’t feel good to hear that it’s Xavi’s League, it’s from the team”

Was “the ideal scenario” to proclaim himself champion, as if written in “a script” for a great story. The propitious place, the Espanyol field, in a derby, for Barça to certify the conquest of the title. And the champion did not fail, just as he has not failed practically for ten months to be crowned by taking 14 points to Real Madrid and 16 to Atlético. “Winning the League in a derby is extraordinary. We had discussed it before the game”, Xavi acknowledged, also admitting that there was a dose of motivation added by the criticisms that alluded to poor preparation for the game with the holidays granted by the coach. accentuate Espanyol’s weak spirit, and two goals in 20 minutes ended the derby and the League.

“The first part has been spectacular, the game has been excellent”

show brilliance

“It was time to show that we could be brilliant. The first part has been spectacular, the game has been excellent”, he highlighted, after acknowledging that the farewell of dozens of fans leaving the sports city had encouraged the footballers to give their all. better of themselves.

“It doesn’t feel good to hear that it is Xavi’s League, it belongs to the team,” said the interested party himself, who often affected the sense of the community, in “the spirit of family, of group”, that he wanted to install at Barça. “We have done a brutal job,” she stressed. He congratulated Xavi to all the culés, from the president Joan Laporta to the football director Mateu Alemany, who will leave at the end of the season, and, of course, the players.

“I didn’t feel like a champion until the break, if we didn’t get distracted,” admitted the tragic sense of all the extra-sports situations that have fallen on the club, not inside the locker room, where he has tried to preserve the football atmosphere . “When you are a coach you feel a great responsibility, you are never calm in the most difficult club in the world,” he said, despite the fact that he considers himself a very positive person. “Anything can always happen,” he said.

“This title gives me a lot of credibility. It already happened to me as a player, it was hard for them to believe in me, and as a coach the same”

Alert on incidents

That observant sense warned him that the celebration could lead to a serious matter. The coach was alert and gave the first signal for the players to continue the celebration in the locker room. He did not see the images of the avalanche of anger that was unleashed in the goal of the most radical fans. Ronald Araujo did see it.

“It was a very emotional moment, but we weren’t at home. We haven’t provoked anything,” he said after seeing Laporta drenched in the locker room. “It is a League that is well deserved and we must celebrate a lot,” proclaimed Xavi, who considered his first full season excellent with the conquest of two titles: the Super Cup and the League.

Credibility and stability

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Xavi, at 43, believes that he has vindicated himself. “I am the maximum person in charge of the group and of this family that we have formed,” he said, proud of having brought the group to a successful conclusion. Above all, for the conquest of the League. “This title gives me a lot of credibility. He already passed me as a player who had a hard time believing in me, and as a coach as well. He gives me credibility and stability to the project“, he valued.

With Xavi, Barça is champion again. He is the successor to Ernesto Valverde (2019), four years later. Between them, Quique Setién and Ronald Koeman, Cup champion in 2021, passed. He is the fifth character in Barça history to win a League as a player and coach after Josep Samitier, Johan Cruyff, Pep Guardiola and Luis Enrique Martínez.
