It buys petrol and diesel with the fuel cards of the province

A civil servant who used the fuel cards of the local authority was caught in the act and arrested. He would have taken 800 liters of petrol

He used the fuel cards from the province of Reggio Emilia to refuel his car and fill various tanks. For this reason, a 56-year-old from Reggio Emilia, an employee of the public body, was arrested by the carabinieri coordinated by the prosecutor Gaetano Calogero Paci.

a treasure

The investigations by the soldiers of the Castelnovo Monti Company and the Ramiseto station started from the observation of anomalous movements on the maps of the Province, intended for the exclusive refueling of the company’s cars. The man was caught in the act on the afternoon of 30 December while he was getting petrol and had four 20-litre cans with him: a dozen other cans full of diesel were found in his garage and through the analysis of the video surveillance footage of the distributor, other similar operations have been documented in recent months. The 56-year-old replies with embezzlement and it has been reconstructed that since the beginning of November he would have taken about 800 liters of petrol in that way. Further investigative investigations are underway to verify the damage caused to the Province of Reggio Emilia, in the order of several thousand euros.
