İstanbulspor – Gençlerbirliği: 0-0 MATCH RESULT – SUMMARY – Last minute TFF 1.Lig news

In the 30th week of Spor Toto 1st League, Istanbulspor drew 0-0 with Gençlerbirliği.

minutes from the match
In the corner shot used by Ali Yaşar from the right in the 6th minute, Mehmet Yeşil’s head shot in the penalty area was caught by the goalkeeper Ramazan.
Goalkeeper Ramazan controlled Valon Ethemi’s kick with his left foot, who met the ball on the right diagonal out of the penalty area in the 70th minute.
In the 80th minute, Valon Ethemi, who used the free kick won on the penalty arc, hit the crossbar and the ball went out.
Gokhan Gul, who found the ball bouncing off the heads in the corner kick taken from the right in the 84th minute, shot the goalkeeper Alperen back into the field of play.
90+5. Sallaich, who met the ball in the right diagonal of the penalty area in the minute, turned the cake inside İlker’s shot, and the goalkeeper Alperen did not allow the goal.
