Israeli representatives wear Stars of David during the Security Council

Israeli representatives wear Stars of David during the Security Council

The Israeli UN representatives wore Stars of David with the text ‘never again’ on their clothing during the Security Council. Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan put on the star during his speech, comparing the current moment to the Holocaust.

“Some of you have learned nothing in the last 80 years. Some of you have forgotten why this body was created,” Erdan said. “I’ll remind you. From this day forward, every time you look at me, you will remember what it means to remain silent in the face of evil.”

According to Erdan, the star he and his associates acquired was “a reminder that we vowed to fight back to defend ourselves. Never again is for us now.” Jews were forced by Germany to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing during World War II.

“Like my grandparents and the grandparents of millions of Jews, my team and I will from now on wear yellow stars. We will carry this star until you wake up and condemn Hamas’s atrocities,” Erdan said.

The UN Security Council has not yet adopted any resolution on the conflict. There is division over a ceasefire and over condemnation of Hamas’ attack and Israel’s response to it.

Red Crescent reports continued bombardments near Al-Quds Hospital

According to the humanitarian organization the Palestinian Red Crescent, multiple airstrikes are carried out near Al-Quds hospital in northern Gaza Strip. It is not yet known whether there were any deaths or injuries.

“The building is shaking and displaced civilians and working crews are experiencing fear and panic,” the Red Crescent said in a post on X, formerly Twitter. The hospital currently houses hundreds of patients and more than 12,000 displaced civilians in Gaza.

On Monday, the Red Crescent said Israel had issued a warning to immediately evacuate the hospital. Human rights experts warned that an attack on the hospital would be a war crime.

New call for ceasefire in UN Security Council

Several humanitarian organizations once again called for a ceasefire during a meeting of the UN Security Council. According to the organizations, it is necessary for the Palestinian population in Gaza.

UNICEF and UNRWA, the United Nations organization that focuses on aid for Palestinian refugees, among others, made the call. UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said an immediate ceasefire “is a matter of life and death for millions of people.” He also said that 64 UNRWA employees have been killed in recent weeks.

Lazzarini also called on the Security Council to send more humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. Israel is blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza. Only 33 trucks carrying aid have entered Gaza since last weekend. Before the war there were about five hundred every day.
