Israeli leger: “Sporen van gijzelaars gevonden in tunnel in Khan Younis” | Conflict Israel-Palestine

The Israeli newspaper proves that it was discovered that there were two people in a tunnel in Khan Younis. Israel also escaped from Hamas – unfortunately Yahya Sinwar was in a tunnel under the city hall.

KIJK. Deze beelden deelde het Israëlische leger zelf van het “bewijs dat he gijzelaars aanwezig waren”

The conscious tunnel was brought to journalists last week, reports ‘The Israel Times’. The tunnel was built in a part of the city, which had two walls. The nearby location was damaged.

Israeli soldiers have recently discovered tunnel tunnels and journalists. © AP

The entrance to the tunnel is hidden in a hat of golf plates. A improvised ladder leads to an underground pad, with a bearing of 2.5 meters. Inside the tunnel it was warm and strong, with concrete and electricity flowing through it. Inside there is a bathroom. The leger shows that it has been proven that he was born in his DNA.

“Gijzelaars are here vastly built in the tunnel system,” said Daniel Hagari, woordvoerder of the Israeli leger. No more than 110 years ago were in the hands of Hamas. Bovendien zou Hamas-unfortunately Yahya Sinwar was a big root in an Israeli gijzelaars as a menselijk shield used waardoor het leger geen aanval op hem kan uitvoeren, zo reported Israeli media eerder.

Israeli soldiers have recently discovered tunnel tunnels and journalists.
Israeli soldiers have recently discovered tunnel tunnels and journalists. © AP

Hagari has given details about what the prices were in the tunnel, but he still wanted to see the goods in the same way. Hij zei ook niet of ze dood waren of nog in leven. In a later verklaring aan de media vertelde hij dat de gijzelaars in “moeilijke omstandigheden” vastgehouden, zonder verder uit te Weiden.

KIJK OOK. Israeli leger vindt longest Hamas tunnel dead nu toe

Tijdens de rondleiding voor journalisten leken geen residents in the area te zijn. Israël heeft bewoners bevolen om delen van de stadt te evacueren, terwijl het Israëlische leger doorgaat met het offensive.

Israel has the right to take advantage of its priorities, with the seeds of the defeat of Hamas’ military force.

Israël kent locatie Hamas-unfortunately, maar kan hem niet uitschakelen: “Hij gebruikt gijzelaars als menselijk schild”

Hoe Hamas plots 2wijfel zaait over lot van een al negen jaar missing Israeli soldiers (+)
