Israel surrounds five Gaza hospitals with tanks and attacks Al Shifa several times

The disregard for the rules of the International human right and the values ​​that supposedly anchor the calls liberal democracies has once again reached new heights in Loop. As he had been telegraphing since his ground forces entered the enclave, Israel launched this Friday a direct assault against the hospitals of the Strip. Their tanks At least five health centers are surrounded, two of them pediatric and one for children with cancer, and at least three hospitals have been repeatedly attacked during the day. Among them the Al Shifa, where there are dozens of dead and injured. Trapped unable to leave, their doctors are sending messages of Help warning that they could be liquidated in the next few hours. Everything is being broadcast almost to the minute without the European Union either USA move a finger.

As I said this Friday, indignant at the indifference of Western leaders the veteran norwegian doctor Mads Gilbertwho has volunteered regularly in Gaza, “hospitals are temples of humanity and protection. Something that also reminded International Red Cross (ICRC), one of the pillars of the legal order that imposes rules on the behavior of the parties during armed conflicts. “The rules of war are clear: hospitals are specially protected facilities under international humanitarian law,” said the organization, which is beginning to break its vow of silence in the face of the dimensions of the Israeli orgy of destruction.

These health centers are not only collapsed due to the lack of electricityequipment and medicines or the floods of patients, but they host tens of thousands of displaced in its facilities. Many centers had already been attacked, but now there is a clear intention to take them in Gaza City after driving away its residents with cannon fire. This is what has happened in Al Shifa, where there are some 50,000 displaced people and where according to Israel the headquarters of the Hamasa thesis that its director has once again denied, recalling that for years the most prestigious international agencies worked there without anyone ever raising the supposed hare.

Siege against pediatric centers

Al Shifa was beaten at least five times during the day. One of the bombings The outpatient pavilion, where some of the displaced people were camping, was targeted. The images showed dozens of dead and wounded, including another feast of disjointed children. In it Al Quds snipers are shooting at the building, as confirmed by the Palestine Red Crescentwhile at Al Rantisi a projectile entered the underground parking lot where doctors and nurses park, starting a fire.

That same pediatric hospital is the only center in Gaza for Kids with cancer and, at this time, it is surrounded by Israeli tanks, which point their cannons at the building. The same thing that happens in the neighbor Al Nasr, also pediatric. Israeli forces are not only shooting at civilians sheltering inside. Also against those who try to flee unarmed. In a video authenticated by ‘The Washington Post’ you can see a large group of civilians With white flags they leave the hospital with the intention of leaving until they begin to be attacked with bullets.

The siege has caused many to try to flee at this hour, including some health personnel. There is no fuel left, some centers are without light neither water and the collapse is such that the Red Cross has assured that “Gaza’s health system has reached a point of no return.” All that mixed with terror in abundance. “Dear colleagues. The situation in Shifa is extremely dangerous. The staff wants to leave, but we can’t. “It is possible that we will not be alive in the morning,” said the head of neurosurgery, Nidal Abuhadrous, in a message reproduced by Al Jazeera.

language perversion

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But the legions of hungry Gazans who are heading south following the orders of ‘evacuation‘Israelis. Despite the fact that the four-hour truce announced the day before by the White House had been fulfilled, during the day there were bombings against the displaced people who were crawling on foot along the Saladino highway, which crosses the Strip from end to end. And in parallel, Israel attacked a school in the south, where another 50 people were massacred, according to the authorities of the enclave.

Resorting to his usual perversion of language, which consists of blaming the enemy for one’s misdeeds, the Israeli military spokesman, Daniel Hagariblamed Hamas for all the attacks by its forces, which have already launched more than “15,000 bombings against targets.” terrorists” since the beginning war a little over a month ago. “The evil of Hamas knows no limits. As the ISIS “he hides in hospitals, humanitarian facilities and schools,” said Hagari after also accusing the Islamists of “using children to protect yourself.” His forces have already mowed down more than 4,500 minors, which will leave several generations of people mentally devastated when the fury of punishment ends.
