Israel strengthens amid escalating tension with the Palestinians

Jerusalem lives its darkest hours. After the attack that killed seven Israelis On Friday night, a 13-year-old Palestinian youth shot a father and son this Saturday noon in the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan, at the foot of the Old City. Both are in stable condition, but have become protagonists of the increase in violence in occupied territory. “The Palestinian leadership holds fully responsible the israeli occupation government for the dangerous escalation to which the situation has reached due to their crimes & rdquor ;, the Palestinian Authority has announced in a statement.

Israelis mourn their first deaths in months after their army led raids on Palestinian towns in the occupied territories for weeks. For now, there is 31 Palestinians killed as victims of this Israeli offensive. After one of the deadliest days in recent years With nine Palestinians killed in Jenin on Thursday, Hamas decided to respond to the violence by carrying out an attack on the gates of a synagogue in an Israeli settlement in Jerusalem. Seven people were also killed in one of the deadliest attacks for Israelis in years. The Palestinian attacker was neutralized.

Celebrations in Palestine

Israel remains in maximum alert. Jerusalem police have arrested 42 people for Friday’s attack. As both attackers lived in East Jerusalem, the occupied Palestinian side, it has been reinforced military presence there and has raised the alert to the maximum level. In the occupied West Bank, the Israeli authorities have expanded their military deployment with a new battalion that includes hundreds of soldiers. The Executive of Benjamin Netanyahu will meet tonight to discuss new measures, such as the law for the expulsion of families of terrorists, the immediate closure of the terrorists’ homes, the detention of their relatives and friends, the reinforcement of the Army in the West Bank, and even the approval of weapons licenses to civilians.

In East Jerusalem, in the Gaza Strip and in hard-hit Jenin, Palestinians celebrated Friday’s attack after months as the only victims of violence. Since different places in the world, the reactions have not been long in coming. “These terrible events demonstrate how urgent it is reverse this spiral of violence and undertake significant efforts to restart peace negotiations & rdquor ;, said in a statement the European Union that she declares herself “horrified & rdquor; for the attacks on Jerusalem. “Terror must have no place in today’s world, neither in Israel nor in Ukraine,” said the Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelenskywhich has announced that among the victims of the attack on Friday there is a Ukrainian woman.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s Executive proposes new measures, such as the law for the expulsion of families of terrorists, the immediate closure of the houses of terrorists, the arrest of their relatives and friends, the reinforcement of the Army in the West Bank and, even, the approval of weapons licenses to civilians.

In addition, Israel is preparing for the visit of the United States Secretary of State, anthony blinken, this Monday. The representative of the Biden administration will land at one of the most tense moments in the region in the last year, since also since Loop several were released rockets on Friday in response to the massacre in Jenin and Israel responded with shelling on the enclave. Blinken is scheduled to meet with Palestinian officials on Tuesday. Following Friday’s shooting, President Joe Biden spoke to Netanyahu on the phone calling him a “an attack against the civilized world & rdquor; and offering your support. “The president emphasized the iron commitment of the United States with the security of Israel & rdquor ;, has affirmed the White House on the call.

far right government

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This is the Netanyahu’s Executive’s first major security challenge with the extreme right. Authorities fear that violence could become entrenched in society because of the potential for escalation by right-wing Jewish extremists. Encouraged by ministers and deputies who celebrate the murders of Palestinians, the current climate of tension it can lead them to put into practice the speeches of their leaders in a lethal way. Shortly after the shooting on Friday, the Minister of Public Security, Itamar Ben Gvirvisited the venue, where he was greeted with a mix of cheers and anger.

From there, the controversial far-right politician has declared: “the government has to respond, if God wants this is what will happen & rdquor ;. For his part, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, has met with the Israeli security leadership. “Israel’s defense establishment will operate decisively and forcefully against terrorism and it will reach anyone involved in the attack & rdquor ;, Gallant said. Meanwhile, on both sides of the Green Line, entire families sob in mourning. There are 30 Palestinian lives and seven Israelis who will never return.
