Israel kills Hamas official

Clouds of smoke over Gaza

Clouds of smoke over Gaza (symbolic photo) Photo: picture alliance / AA

From the BZ editorial team

The Israeli military says it has killed one of those suspected of being responsible for the massacre of Israeli civilians during bombing attacks on Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

▶︎ It is said to be Merad Abu Merad. He is said to have been the head of “air activities” and to have directed Hamas terrorists during the massacre of Israelis.

On Saturday night, Israeli fighter jets flew missions against Hamas command centers across the Gaza Strip. The army’s target: the “Nukhba” terrorists. They are said to be at the forefront of those who overcame the border fence last Saturday and led the barbaric killings. Hamas did not initially confirm the commander’s death.

In the early hours of last Saturday, Hamas terrorists invaded Israeli territory. They attacked the Jewish state in a meticulously planned attack. The terrorists murdered, pillaged and kidnapped. The cruel result so far: more than 1,300 deaths and more than 3,000 injuries.

To this day, families fear for their abducted relatives who are at the mercy of Hamas. Yesterday, the Israeli army said it carried out ground troop operations in the Gaza Strip to free hostages. According to the military, the soldiers examined the area and collected various finds “that could help in the search for the missing people.”


Hamas war against Israel news
