Israel hints that Gaza ground invasion is imminent

The countdown to ground invasion of Gaza seems closer to exhaustion. Or so indicates the harangue of the Israeli Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, this Thursday, to the Israeli troops deployed on the border. “Now you see Gaza from a distance, but soon you will see it from within“, he told the thousands of soldiers concentrated for days in the area declared a military zone. “The order will come,” he promised them. Meanwhile, the world leaders They continue to parade through Israel. This morning it was the turn of Rishi Sunak. “I want you to know that the United Kingdom and I are with you,” said the British Prime Minister upon his arrival at Tel Aviv airport. USA continues to display its unconditional support for Israel with visits from its representatives, such as the governors of New York and California, occurring almost daily.

“I am responsible for Israel’s defense system; I have been responsible for it for the last two weeks, including during the difficult events that we have experienced, and I have the task of leading us to victory” Gallant declared in southern Israel. “We will be precise and forceful, and we will continue until we accomplish our mission,” said the former military officer. His comments suggest that the imminent ground invasion could happen at any moment. Also the Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahuhas met with the elite Golani brigade, one of the oldest in the Israeli Army, in an area near Gaza. These soldiers “have fought like lions and will fight like lions, we will win with all our strength,” said the Likud leader. “All the people of Israel are with you and we will deal hard blows to our enemies to achieve victory. To victory!“, Has celebrated.

While the country, and much of the world, waits for clues about the Israel’s plans in the next stage of his war against Hamasespecially now that the American president Joe Biden has shown its support, the security cabinet has met again. This is the group of people who must approve the land incursion, but, in their multiple meetings throughout the conflict that has now lasted 13 days, they have not yet done so. During this Thursday, the Israeli Army reported that at least 306 soldiers have been killed since last October 7, and that 203 families have been informed about their loved ones held captive in Gaza. He has also announced that they are still with Hamas infiltrators in Israeli territory.

4,000 dead

Meanwhile, in the Gaza Strip, the 2.3 million citizens continue to suffer the continuous bombings. Nails 4,122 people have been murdered in the enclave, including 1,590 children. Furthermore, organizations on the ground have denounced the murders of journalists and medical personnel, making it difficult for the 13,420 injured to survive and preventing news about Gaza from crossing its battered borders. Almost a million people, some 915,000have been displaced from their homes and many of them have no choice but to seek refuge on the streets because United Nations schools are at maximum capacity. Also around 28,200 residential units have been completely destroyed.

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All over the world, both in the Middle East region and in the West, the massive protests in support of the Palestinians. Thousands of people around the globe demand Israel stop the bombing of the besieged enclave. After meeting in Israel with Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog, Sunak traveled to Saudi Arabia. In Riyadh, she met with the Saudi crown prince and prime minister, Mohammed bin Salman. “We will work together to guarantee regional stability and avoid a dangerous escalation,” said the British leader. Throughout the day, the cross-border fire between Israel and Lebanon. Experts warn there could be further escalation as the world keeps its eyes fixed on Gaza. Also in the occupied West Bank, at least 64 Palestinians They have been killed in clashes with soldiers or settlers since the start of the war.

The PA in Gaza

“The death of civilians is a tragedyand too many lives have been lost after Hamas’ act of terror,” Sunak said in a statement before traveling. During the next few days, visits by diplomatic representatives to Israel will continue. As the United States did with its Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, the British Foreign Secretary, is expected to James Cleverly, travel to Egypt, Türkiye and Qatar in the next few days. The leader of the opposition, Yair Lapidhas said that the best solution for a post-Hamas Gaza Strip would be to return the coastal enclave to control of the Palestinian Authority. “It’s not ideal, and if you ask me what the exit strategy should be, it should be to help the international community help [a la Autoridad Palestina a tomar el control]”, he stated at a press conference in Tel Aviv.
