Iskelmä star Lea Laven, who is turning 75, about the twists and turns in her life: “I regret everything!”

Lea Laven has been recording music for seven decades.

Iskelmä singer Lea Laven, who turns 75 today on June 19, can say with a “sincere chest voice” that everything is fine in her life.

– Perhaps there has been a slight lack of action, but now that is behind us. Yes, a person must do something to be happy, Laven tells Iltalehte.

Laven had already forgotten what kind of commotion there can be around birthdays and the release of new music. Now he’s gotten to experience both when he released a new single on Friday Like migratory birds.

Like migratory birds is an old quite melodic and great tango. The song’s text is perfect for a traveler as well as a woman, Laven describes.

Laven, who describes himself as an average dancer, believes that the new song will hit the hearts of people who enjoy themselves on the dance floor.

Laven’s thoughts may very well be true, because an artist who has been recording for seven decades certainly knows what makes people dance.

– It’s great to release new music. When I heard that I have been recording music for seven decades, I thought, help! It’s quite a read, but good! And still alive! Laven laughs.

Lea Laven is known for her dark and recognizable voice, with which she has created a career since the 1970s. IL ARCHIVE

No changes

Aging does not bother Laven, because he has had time to get used to it during all these years.

– Not thinking about it at this point. That’s what you think about at the age of 60 and earlier, Laven says.

Laven states that he himself thought about aging in the early 2000s.

– But not me anymore. I’m old and I don’t think aging has changed my humanity or me in any way, he continues.

The only thing that has changed is his physical being, although Laven has avoided major health problems.

– I can walk well. He has had some blood pressure problems, as probably everyone at this age, he adds.

Lea Laven has recorded numerous radio hits. Photo from 1984. IL ARCHIVE


75-year-old Laven states several times in the interview that he can’t stand still. Even though Laven has raised his pension and could enjoy life without its bigger rushes, he wants to play gigs and especially bring new music to the world.

– You cannot retire in this field per se. When I started enjoying my pension, I tried not to do anything. I then went for a drive without a goal, because I missed movement. I soon realized that I wasn’t made to be still, Laven recalls with a laugh.

Laven rarely does gigs.

– Giging is, without a doubt, a nice activity! But tourism no longer opens up as much as it used to. I can do some gigs and small concerts, says Laven.

Since Laven’s voice still travels after a career spanning more than seven decades, he hopes to be able to perform gigs in the future as well. Not all musical dreams have come true yet, and the artist has dreams in his private life as well.

– Of course I dreamed of winning the lottery! It’s the kind of dream that goes on and on and will probably continue as long as I live, Laven laughs.

Laven does not give too much importance to the feeling of regret in life, although it has also been included in life.

– I’m not a person who doesn’t regret anything. I regret anything! However, I can’t detail them, they are small things that I don’t even want to remember today! The singer summarizes.

Lea Laven gigs less these days, but it’s still just as meaningful. IL ARCHIVE

The turning points

Laven describes the turning point in her life when she dared to leave home as a 15-year-old young girl and start her own life independently. Laven is from Haukiputaa.

– There are hardly any photos of me before when I started as a singer. The poor family didn’t have a camera, and couldn’t afford to go to a photo studio. There was a terrible lack of everything, especially money. We were always ordered new clothes for school parties, Laven told Iltalehte in 2007.

Lea Laven will do concerts in the fall, which will also include Marion Rung, Markku Aro, Kai Hyttinen and conductor Esa Nieminen. In the photo, Lea in August 1986. IL ARCHIVE

Before the seminary, Laven hitchhiked across the border via Tornio and he started his life in Sweden. After a few years, Laven returned to his home village and got a job Pentti Oskari Kankaan from the band.

– Another turning point in my life was when gigging started. My life has been tied to it until this day, Laven recalls today.

In the interview, Laven remembers in particular all the stage dancing gigs that he has had the chance to do hundreds of during his career.

– I have always loved dance stages. Midsummer dances on the nut stage, where the water splashes around. They have been wonderful experiences. People are cheerful and happy, Laven says gently.

– The big concerts have also been really great experiences in their own way. Of course, not forgetting my two Autumn Tune wins, he continues.

Lea says that she has always loved dance stages and especially their atmosphere. IL ARCHIVE

Laven is grateful for how his songs received radio airplay in the early days of his career in the 70s.

The 75-year-old artist would like to say one word to young Lea.

– A little caution in life. And when you reach adulthood, get yourself a support network and professional help for various things. Both for mental health and working life and also for money matters, Laven sums up.

Laven was part of the Leidit lavalla tour in the early 2000s. KARI PEKONEN
