Isabel Díaz Ayuso ‘repeals’ Félix Bolaños, article by Joan Tapia

The last debate in the Senate between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo made it clear that the tension in the legislature was going to be child’s play given what awaits us until May 28. Or until the December generals. Feijóo affirmed that would repeal sanchismo and the president replied with the “not pass”. Curious, because Sánchez had just saved his reform of the ‘only yes is yes’ law with the vote of those who did not have to pass.

In the Disqualification (with a capital letter) The president of Madrid has a star role, who already won in 2021 with that of “communism or freedom & rdquor; and now he says that Sánchez wants to “end the Spain of the Transition and go to a federal, secular and plurinational Spain at the dictates of those who hate the first& rdquor; with a change in the constitutional order “through the back door& rdquor; – Does it ring a bell? – and make it impossible to alternate in power with a South American model and a referendum on self-determination in Catalonia. Oh, He approaches Vox, but with ‘confidence’. Isabel Diaz Ayuso is highly debatable, but it would be stupid to deny that it is a political monster. In the 2021 regional elections, it jumped from 30 to 65 deputies, sank Pablo Casado, chosen by the PP in primaries, with a ‘mani’ against Genoa. And now he’s not going against the little-known socialist candidate Juan Lobatosent to sacrifice, nor against Monica Garcia, that of Yolanda Díaz, but against the President of the Government and riding the wave of anti-Sanchism of a large part of the right. More in Madrid. And if Feijóo proclaims that sanchismo must be repealed, Ayuso wants to show her people (and the world) that she, in practice, is already doing it.

Sánchez was already wrong with Ayuso when, due to the coronavirus crisis, he went to the president’s headquarters and allowed himself to be surrounded by 12 Spanish flags and 12 from the community. Two presidents with their flags. From peer to peer

What does it mean, if not, that your head of protocol (without military rank) prevents the access of Minister Bolaños, the most Sanchez’s confidante, to the rostrum of the acts of Dos de Mayo? It ignores the Government by hindering the passage of one of its most relevant ministers. The gesture is what counts. And the proof is that the next day he went to Ser, a radio that was not friendly at all, to raise the decibels and explain to Àngels Barceló that Bolaños was not invited and that he wanted to “bust & rdquor; Dos de Mayo, which is the day of the community and not that of the ministers. Although other years Soraya and Cospedal were there and Feijóo himself looked there. Dos de Mayo is an act of his and his family, all except a few deviants. and for it there is no better photo than the one that humiliates Bolaños-Sánchez. Dos de Mayo was already a rebellion, but she does not want to be shot -like Goya’s- but elevated to an absolute majority. Like Fraga and Feijóo in Galicia and now Moreno Bonilla in Andalusia. Nothing less, but Madrid is more.

The question is why Bolaños wanted to ‘bust’ Ayuso’s party when what happened to him was most likely to happen to him. And when a government is humiliated by a simple chief of protocol, it loses ‘auctoritas’. It is not Sánchez’s first mistake with Ayuso. On September 22, 2020, in the midst of the battle for the second wave of the pandemic, Sánchez wanted to sign the ‘peace pipe’. And Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, with more ‘military’, seduced Iván Redondo so that Pedro Sánchez would go to the Real Casa de Correos, the community headquarters, and hold a press conference with Ayuso with, as a backdrop, 12 flags Spanish and 12 from the Community of Madrid. From peer to peer. That day Ayuso was enthroned as an icon of the PP. Did Redondo bet against Pablo Casado? Unimaginable something similar with Urkullu and the ikurriñas or Aragonès and the cuatribarrada (not to mention the ‘estelada’).

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Ayuso pursues the absolute majority to warn that she knows how to make Vox irrelevant and, if Podemos is not in the Madrid Assembly (possible, but not certain), to demonstrate again, even more than in 2021, that she also knows how to liquidate communism . Félix Bolaños, the Spanish prime minister who had the courage to go to Gernika on the anniversary of the Nazi bombing, has now allowed himself to be ‘repealed’ by Ayuso. It is she, not Sánchez, who complies with the “it will not happen& rdquor;.

Ayuso wants an absolute majority. Then, the unemployment rate of the ultra-liberal Madrid is 11% and that of the ‘Marxist’ Catalonia is 10.4%. Little difference for such a political distance. But Ayuso seeks the absolute majority and Aragonès is content to be in the minority.
