Isa Hoes is disappointed with Rachel Hazes comparison: ‘She doesn’t like it’

According to René Mioch, Isa Hoes does not like that some people compare her to Rachel Hazes. “I don’t think that what is being written now, that she likes it very much.”

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There is increasing resentment about the continuous stream of projects about the late Antonie Kamerling. Critics think that his beloved Isa Hoes and son Merlijn Kamerling are very much exploiting his tragic death. A theater performance and a film have now been made about his life.

Isa kind of Rachel?

Film connoisseur René Mioch sat in last night Show news to talk about the film adaptation of Isa’s book When I Saw You. He notes that Antonie and Isa are called Sebastiaan and Esther in the film. “I think Isa fought hard for that too, to keep a distance between the couple we know and the two people we see in the film.”

Presenter Tooske Ragas points out that many critics wonder whether Isa is really so reserved. “But that doesn’t quite work out, because there is a lot to do about this film on social media, and Isa has to endure quite a bit there. She is even occasionally compared to Rachel Hazes. As in: you are exploiting the situation of his death very much.”


René finds it annoying that Isa is portrayed as a kind of Rachel Hazes. “I’ve seen all that too. I find it complicated to read that, because I think: somehow we all witness the grieving process they go through. That happens quite publicly, I agree with you.”

He continues: “Then there’s a book and another book and it all goes on and on, but when I hear how that goes at the premiere tomorrow, you know… She really didn’t want to get on stage afterwards. Now they have persuaded her to come and I think it is right, because she is the author of the book.”

Step back

Colleague William Rutten: “Is that because of the criticism? That she thinks: take a step back.”

René: “Well, I don’t think she really likes what’s being written now. I also want to emphasize: you also have to realize that a lot of the reactions come from people who are helped by talking about this subject.”

Asking for attention

So Isa’s activities do fulfill a function, says René. “I think she also asked for some kind of attention for that, precisely because it is talked about so much and openly.”

Still, he understands the criticism. “I can sometimes imagine that reaction a bit, because it is also a lot.”
