Isa Hoes defecates once a day, Marc-Marie Huijbregts twice

Isa Hoes usually poops once a day, but her podcast buddy Marc-Marie Huijbregts poos twice as often. “I think twice a day. I always dry it afterwards with a hair dryer.”


Anyone who has always been curious about the brown secrets of Isa Hoes and Marc-Marie Huijbregts will be told this week in their podcast treated to a generous portion of muck. In this episode, the two talk about how much toilet paper they use, among other things. “It depends. No, I don’t think I use that much,” confesses Isa.

Pooping Isa

On to the really relevant questions. Marc-Marie: “Because how often do you go to the toilet in a day?”

Isa candidly: “Oh yes, that is also different. Ehm, I really do poop once a day.”

Marc-Marie: “Once a day?”

Isaac: “Yes.”

Marc-Marie: “I think twice a day.”

Isa: “Sometimes twice, but usually once.”

Prefer morning

Marc-Marie: “In the morning?”

Isa: “Yes, I like that best. Then I have the idea that I am doing the best thing in terms of digestion.”

Marc-Marie: “Exactly, but you don’t go to the toilet in the evening?”

Isa: “No, but sometimes during the day.”

Marc-Marie: “I hardly ever go to the toilet anywhere else.”

Isa: “I can do that nowadays. I used to think that was terrible. Why not?”


Marc-Marie finds defecating outside the house unpleasant. “Don’t know. I can pee and stuff – I don’t do that much anywhere else, to be honest – but I really find the big message difficult. I do not know. I find that unsafe. It feels unsafe to do it somewhere else.”

Finally: how much toilet paper does Marc-Marie actually use? Almost nothing. He has a toilet that washes his exit with water. “We were on vacation, they had that there and then we thought: that’s great. It is more hygienic and nicer. I then dry it with the hair dryer. That is very nice, because then everything is thick for the baker. And nice and fresh weather.”

Smell podcast

Very informative that Isa and Marc-Marie take us on a journey through the bowels of their egos, but can someone please close the toilet door again? This podcast conversation smacks of attention seeking…
