Is Wevelgem Airport on the brink of closure?

Is Wevelgem Airport on the brink of closure?

Almost all planes of Luxavation in Wevelgem are in the air today. Business is going well, but will that still be possible from Wevelgem? A cost-benefit analysis even proposes closure by 2030 in one scenario.

Though they don’t think it will get that far. “Flanders has invested more than 10 million euros in this airport over the past two years, so we assume that we can face the future with confidence,” says Filip Daem of the airport.

Noise and environmental nuisance

Opponents have been calling for the closure for years: there is noise, environmental nuisance and other nuisance, and it only costs money. Better to divert to an airport near Lille in northern France? “The airports in Lesquin and possibly in Ostend are perfect for taking over activities. They don’t have to disappear,” says Maarten Tavernier van Groen.

“In 2021 we made a small profit of 80,000 euros with this airport. That is a historic tipping point and we intend to continue on this momentum,” adds Filip Daem.

After the summer, the Flemish government will consider the cost-benefit analysis. According to the report, Ostend airport would have to attract significantly more passengers to become profitable.
