Is this the summer wave now – or will Corona become a permanent wave?

After the pandemic situation eased briefly, the corona values ​​are now rising again. The fifth wave of the pandemic is gaining momentum.

For the first time in days, the Senate reported one on Thursday Highest level of new infections – plus 6946. The 7-day incidence per 100,000 population increased to 692.3. The Senate situation report does not include twenty to thirty percent of positive rapid tests that do not have to be retested with a mandatory PCR. You’re coming.

“Contrary to what we expected, the infection rate is picking up again,” says Neukölln’s medical officer, Dr. Nicolai Savaskan (48). “Despite higher temperatures, more UV radiation and activities being moved outside. Quite atypical for the virus.”

Neukölln's medical officer Nicolai Savaskan (Photo: Stefanie Herbst)
Neukölln’s medical officer Nicolai Savaskan (Photo: Stefanie Herbst)

An effect that can also be observed in many other countries. In Austria, the Netherlands and Denmark, the incidence is already around 2000 or more.

Reason for the dynamic: The spread of the omicron variant BA.2, which has been circulating since the beginning of the year and which, according to an international research team, can be transmitted much more quickly. In a sample in mid-February, the subtype already accounted for 38 percent of all cases in Germany, and it is now presumably predominant.

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At the same time Corona restrictions relaxed. According to the federal-state plan, from March 20th even all “more profound protective measures” will be dropped.

“Social mobility and thus the number of contacts has increased,” explains medical officer Savaskan of the current situation. The mobility of people who fled the war also plays a role. “The virus had ideal opportunities to spread in overcrowded buses and trains.” According to the Senate, the vaccination rate in Ukraine is only 35 percent. The health authorities would now make low-threshold vaccination offers in the accommodations.

“Due to these uncertainties, the wave will continue into the summer,” predicts Savaskan. “Only then will it flatten out. Before the number of cases starts to rise again in the fall.”
