Is this a wolf on the prowl? Already thirteen sheep dead in Sprang-Capelle

A wolf was seen in Sprang-Capelle on Tuesday evening. Images show how a wolf walks through the Heistraat at eleven o’clock in the evening. In recent weeks, a wolf has been seen more often in the vicinity of Sprang-Capelle and sheep have been killed.

The video is short. At 10.49 pm an animal approaches from the right, in the middle of the Heistraat, near the General Cemetery. The animal, which has all the characteristics of a wolf, runs past at a trot, until a car comes from behind. The animal is startled and flees via the roadside back to where it came from.

Resident Henk van Zelst says that the occupants of the car told that the animal then ran into the General Cemetery.

Third report of a wolf
It is already the third report of a wolf this week in Sprang-Capelle. Van Zelst: “On Monday, eleven sheep were bitten to death in a meadow on the Witte Dijk in Sprang-Capelle. On Wednesday, two more dead sheep were found. And on Tuesday evening a wolf walked through the Heistraat.”

According to Van Zelst, the animal is in an area west of Sprang-Capelle. “At the Ice Club Het Eendennest, just outside the village, I heard from someone from Staatsbosbeheer.”

The animal seems to have been staying in the vicinity of Sprang-Capelle for a while. “2.5 weeks ago there was already a report from an apple orchard in Waspik and later another from that neighbourhood. Now here in Sprang-Capelle. People are a bit scared right now. You would only encounter such a beast on a bicycle.”

These images were previously made in Raamsdonk:
