Is the next diet sip coming now?

Free voter boss Peter Vida (at the lectern) called for a cap on RBB salaries in the Brandenburg state parliament in Potsdam on Thursday.  But the SPD, AFD, CDU and GRÜNE voted against it

The 88 members of the Brandenburg state parliament are entitled to a whopping increase in their diets. But do you dare to do that before the election? (archive photo) Photo: Michael Sauerbier

By Michael Sauerbier

Brandenburg’s politicians are waving a whopping increase in diets: plus 400 euros per month! But three of the six state parliament parties reject it. The SPD, the largest parliamentary group, is now hesitating – because there are elections next year.

Each deputy receives 8,904 euros a month – as much as a small-town mayor. Plus 1991 euros for the pension. Every year, the payments are automatically adjusted to the general income development. The State Statistical Office now calculated an increase of 3.8 percent. Makes around 9300 euros from January.

But AfD, Free Voters and Left reject a diet increase. “In view of the inflation and further prank orgies for the population, that would be wrong,” says Linke managing director Thomas Domres, “only the increased material costs of the MPs should be adjusted for inflation.

“There should be no increase at all until the state elections in autumn 2024,” says Free Voter boss Peter Vida, “and then a completely new regulation.” The AfD justified its “no” with the recession.

The state parliament had already voted against an increase in diets during the Corona crisis: it was canceled in 2021 and 2022. Only this year did the payments increase again by 300 euros. But the outrage was great: In the same session, the MPs decided on the budget emergency – and two billion new debts.

The CDU still insists on more money. CEO Steven Bretz: “The mechanism proposed by experts and approved by the state parliament applies.” He could stand alone with that. Greens and SPD still want to advise. The Social Democrats say: “The political damage in the election year would probably be greater than the benefit of an increase in diets.”


MPs Diet increase Landtag politicians
