Is the Görlitzer Park rapist “incompetent”?

From BZ/dpa

More than four months after the gang rape in Görlitzer Park in Kreuzberg, it is still unclear when the trial will take place.

The responsible chamber of the Berlin Regional Court had ordered that one of the accused be examined, a justice spokeswoman said upon request.

The 22-year-old’s guilt should be examined. “Experience has shown that this can take a few weeks or even months,” said the spokeswoman. Since the man is in custody, the report should be carried out as quickly as possible.

The Berlin public prosecutor’s office has charged a total of three men aged 22 and 21. She accuses them of particularly serious rape, grievous bodily harm and particularly serious robbery.

The case had once again sparked a discussion about security measures in Görlitzer Park, which is one of the crime hotspots in Berlin, primarily because of drug trafficking. According to the wishes of Berlin’s Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU), a fence should be erected around the park by the beginning of next year at the latest so that it can be closed at night. This is intended to combat drug trafficking and make the park safer.

What happened on June 21st in the Berlin drug park

The men, who according to authorities come from Somalia, Guinea-Bissau and Guinea respectively, are said to have attacked a couple in the park early in the morning on June 21st and initially beat and robbed the man.

They then allegedly stole his wife’s handbag and cell phone and forced the 27-year-old to perform oral sex. One of the men is said to have raped her.

Two of the defendants remain silent about the allegations

The alleged perpetrators have been in custody since their arrest at the end of July and beginning of August. According to the public prosecutor’s office, the youngest defendant denies the attack on the 27-year-old and her husband. The two 22-year-olds have not yet commented on the allegations, it was said.

According to the so-called acceleration requirement in detention matters, the judiciary must do everything possible to start the main proceedings as quickly as possible. The court said that the report on the 22-year-old’s culpability should be drawn up more quickly so that the trial can begin within the scheduled six-month period.
