Is the force with you? Celebrate the anniversary of ‘Star Wars’ with this quiz

Today will be heard “I am your father & rdquor; more than in the memoirs of Julio Iglesias. It’s Wednesday, 25 of May: 45 years old of the premiere in Spain of ‘Star Wars’. It is the date in red that originated the Geek Pride Daythe geek pride day. This year, the round number -45 years- will make the force be with us the whole week. On Friday, the 27th, the first two chapters of the Obi Wan Kenobi new series on Disney+. A day later, Barcelona will open a galactic canteen.

It is advertised as aday of shows and varieties on the outer edge of the Empire”. A canteen like the ones in tatooine full of aliens and imperial soldiers where to drink blue milk and play sabacc, the galactic poker with which Han Solo won his ‘Millennium Falcon’.

Will be Darth Vaderof course, and Obi Wan Kenobi. “It is likely that more than one & rdquor ;, advance Mara Antón and Sofía Guerrero. They are the founders of fandocracy, the organization of thematic events behind this galactic canteen. They’ve been riding for years science fiction parties: wizard get-togethers, magical underworld hangouts, even hobbit picnics.

The galactic canteen will be installed on Saturday, the 28th, from 12 noon to 8 p.m., in a very, very close galaxy: the Espai Jove La Fontana (Greater of Gràcia, 190). Tickets (5 euros) can be purchased via Entradium or in The Galactic Hangar of the Galeries Maldà. Eye, they are almost sold out.

Upon entering they give an imperial credit, here you never know what you may need it for. There will be droid racingcrafts and themed food, photocalls and interactive spaces in which to pose with movie creatures. otherworldly performanceslike that of Sunesis, with its “music for space stations& rdquor ;, that’s how she defines it, and some intergalactic bar fight, it is taken for granted. “It is likely that they will sneak up on us Jawas in the area of ​​merchants & rdquor ;, warn the organizers.

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