Is she acting? Bahar Candan explained

On the question about their trauma, “My trauma is that the Lydians find the money. Bahar Candan said, “Now people have started to sell their souls for money,” and that she has no friends.


Candan, who has made a name for himself with his social media posts, had been on the agenda in the past months with the message “I am very lonely and bored. I am looking for a friend, I will give my salary”.


The phenomenon, which attracts attention with its luxurious life, said, “I have no friends. I tried to get them with money. I even let them abuse me. But they are not friends with me at all. When I post a friend ad, when they send me a resume, they say, “We’ll even be your table, we’ll bend over, you’ll pour tea on us”. With me they achieve a certain recognition in society. Their followers increase, they make money, and then they leave me. It’s been like this since I was a kid. When I was little, the one who hurt me the most was a foreign-born boy who came to me at the hotel. My father was buying ice cream and coke for my friends. They left when they ran out of ice cream and coke. “I feel sad when I think of how that strange boy left me when his ice cream ran out,” he said.


Expressing that her best friend is the late fashion designer Nur Yerlitaş, Candan said, “I miss her very much. After he died, I was very lonely. No one loved me as much as he did,” she cried.


Bahar Candan, who came to the agenda of the magazine with her interesting statements, said, “Are you playing a role?” answered the question as follows:

“My voice is real, I don’t change it. If you’re already acting, you turn into it after a while. ‘Were you like this in the past?’ to say, ‘Were you thin all along?’ It’s the same as saying. Everything is in change and transformation.”

The 24-year-old social media celebrity said, “Of course, this was not Bahar Candan. Bahar Candan started at some point. I added different words to my vocabulary, my mimics may have changed. In the Bahar Candan videos you watch, the first year is real, the last year is gained, learned and transformed. He will be more transformed than Bahar Can, whom you will be watching in five years.”
