Is Johan Derksen going too far? ‘Eva Jinek victim of misogyny’

Johan Derksen gets the wind from columnist Johan Fretz after his hard attacks on Eva Jinek. “Thanks to him, hordes of misogynistic hyenas can happily go wild again on the presenter.”


The role of Eva Jinek in the riot around Today Inside – she would have danced on VI’s grave at the party after her season finale – has come to her with a lot of criticism. She has recently been put through the ironer every once in a while by Johan Derksen. And with that he goes way too far, according to Parool columnist Johan Fretz.

People’s Court

Johan Fretz, who apologized to Eva last year after he shouted that she has no backbone, thinks Johan Derksen should dim a bit. “The current popular court has nothing to do with the content anymore,” he writes in his column in the newspaper† “Johan Derksen and co (…) have been kicked for weeks.”

The sneer that Eva gave to VI in ‘tipsy’ condition is ‘just a joke’, says Johan Fretz. But at VI, according to him, they act as if Eve committed some kind of crime.

Misogynous hyenas

According to Johan Fretz, those hard attacks fuel misogyny against Eva. “By continuing to imply publicly that Jinek has reported just under a hundred hiding Ukrainians to the Russian embassy with her joke, the hordes of misogyne (misogynistic, ed.) hyenas can happily go wild on the presenter again.”

Furthermore, Johan Fretz is also critical of media critic Victor Vlam, who states that Eva has ‘a huge image problem’. He is nothing more than a ‘self-proclaimed media expert with a podcast’, the columnist sneered. “Can anyone invent a vaccine against men with a podcast?”

Too much vacation

Eva also gets a lot of criticism about her enormously long vacations. According to Johan, that is lame, because in the meantime she has also made a documentary series about taboos around motherhood.

However, it only consists of three episodes of half an hour, argues weekly magazine Story. “It’s almost impossible that she’s just been working on her documentary all this time.”

Parool column

Johan Fretz’s Parool column:
