Is it better to do fast or slow reps in the gym?

09/25/2023 at 1:22 p.m.


Sports professionals look for the best techniques and ways to perform the same exercise

One of the first doubts when you start training in the gym is the rhythm of the repetitions.

The world of fitness is surrounded by many popular beliefs and ignorance at the time of how to do the training. Sports professionals look for the best techniques and ways to perform the same exercise, so it is always advisable to follow their instructions. tips to progress properly and not suffer any injuries.

Sometimes, one of the first doubts when you start training in the gym is the rhythm of repetitions. In the same way, many users wonder what the difference is between performing speed repetitions wave long endurance.

On the one hand we find slow repetitions, whose defenders highlight the principle of time under tension. In these cases, it is explained that the muscle is like a sponge that is squeezed for a longer time when performing a slow repetition, so the effort is greater. Under this idea, the muscle works longer to resist the weightso there is more wear and tear and a subsequent need for repair and growth.

On the other hand, we find the fast reps. Its promoters emphasize that at the same time they can do the double repetitions with more weight. By not having to endure prolonged tension you can push more weight, increasing strength and subsequent muscle size.

Given both solid arguments, the answer is not simple and could vary depending on the individual motivations of each individual. If you are looking for resistance and toning, slow repetitions could have better results. However, If you are looking to increase the strength and size of your muscles in the short term, you may have better results with fast repetitions.
