Is intelligence inherited from the mother?

A very important discussion in the scientific community is to understand how the human intelligence. After all, our intellectual capacity and its constant evolution is what differentiates us from the rest of the living beings on our planet. For this reason, based on several studies, some researchers estimate that a relevant part of our intelligence is inherited from the mother.

What is intelligence?

There is no precise definition of what is intelligencesince its concept varies and evolves with society, and is even related to the philosophical field. However, science, which has been trying to understand intelligence for a long time, helps us to understand it based on the relationship between the biological mechanisms of the human body and the behavior of people.

According to the dictionary, intelligence is the ability of a person to think, understand, reason and interpret. It is the set of mental functions that facilitate the perception and understanding of things and facts.

For the field of psychology, Intelligence is the science that studies the human mind and can be defined as the ability to extract information, learn from experiences, solve problems appropriately, adapt to the environment, understand and use thought and reason consistently.

Is intelligence born with us or does it develop over time?

Intelligence is associated with various cognitive and brain functions, which are present from birth. Therefore, all people are intelligent but in different ways.

However, these cognitive functions, which together we call intelligence, can be influenced and stimulated by various biological and behavioral factors, such as healthy eating, hydration, physical activity, restful sleep, mental stimuli, meditation, reading , creative activities, socialization and genetic factors.

Is intelligence inherited from the mother?

As we mentioned before, intelligence can be stimulated and developed from different habits and behaviors, but also from genetic factors, which are inherited from biological parents.

Studies in the area recognize that there is a relationship between the genes present in the X chromosome and brain development, and an important part of cognitive functions is related to the genetic information present on this chromosome.

Since people with the biological female sex have two X chromosomesthey will always transmit to their offspring one of these chromosomes and, consequently, genetic information associated with intelligence.

Cognitive characteristics that are inherited genetically are not only present on the X chromosome. There are several other genes present on other chromosomes that interfere with characteristics associated with intelligence. As an example, we have variants present in a gene on chromosome 2 that have been associated with mathematical ability. This trait can be found in ancestry, health and wellness tests from the laboratory.

Another example is the warrior/worried gene. Present on chromosome 22, it is responsible for regulating dopamine levels in the brain. Variations in this gene influence the predisposition to better endure and manage stressful situations (warrior) or the predisposition to perform better in tasks that require attention and memorization in normal situations.

Both characteristics are related to a type of intelligence, which can also be trained regardless of genetic predisposition. Therefore, we can say that there is no “intelligence gene”, but rather various genetic and environmental factors that influence the way in which each individual expresses intelligence.

Importance of parents in the intellectual development of children

As mentioned above, in addition to genetic factors, environmental factors are essential for the development of intelligence. Among them, the affective component with parents during childhood is one of the most important.

This is relevant because, during childhood and adolescence, children are in the process of forming their personality and learning. The period is fundamental for the good intellectual and social development of the individual. Much of what he learns and will carry with him for the rest of his life comes from parental influences, such as behaviors and preferences.

Because they are more emotionally related to their mothers from early childhood, children end up sharing and absorbing many of their intellectual characteristics. And this is another factor that contributes to the hypothesis that intelligence is inherited from the mother.

However, both the mother and the father or another person who fulfills these functions play a fundamental role in the intellectual formation of the child, in the learning process and in improving the abilities of their children. Therefore, they must be present in the child’s life, stimulating confidence, learning and social and emotional development.

by RN

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