Is fishing boring? These street fishermen are running their lungs out in Alkmaar

If you were in the center of Alkmaar today, you may have seen a lot of people running back and forth with fishing rods. There was a street fishing competition, very popular since the coronalockdown. About fifty teams went for ‘the most centimeters’ today.

Along the Oudegracht, the Geestersingel and at the Karperton garage: fanatic angling enthusiasts threw their sparklers everywhere. Sijmen van den Berg of Sportvisserij MidWest explains what the battle is about today.

“Who can land the five largest bass, three walleye and two largest pike in a span of time.” This active form of fishing is called street fishing (or urban fishing) and is different, says Van den Berg. “Because there is so much interaction with the people around… You always have bystanders!”

The fishermen today are not in Alkmaar for the first time. One fanatic says: “We always research the location of the competition a week in advance. They are mainly in sheltered spots, such as under bridges and along boats.”

It is therefore important that the participants make a good planning, so that they can visit as many places as possible in the short time they have.

Fishing rediscovered

“Fishing has actually become more and more popular since corona”, says Van den Berg, “It is a nice way for people to get outside for a while.”

The sport fishermen’s associations are one of the few sports associations in the Netherlands that has seen an increase in members. “Many young people have also discovered the sport!”
