Is Eva Jinek going too far with dangling RTL? ‘This is the solution’

Eva Jinek causes surprise with the daring step to let her powerful and wealthy employer RTL dangle like this. According to TV connoisseur Rob Goossens, something has to be done.


It is a bit crazy: Eva Jinek says that RTL would like to continue with her, but that she does not want to make a decision until after she gives birth in September. And that while her contract will only run for a few months. When she then decides to leave, the channel is acutely faced with a very homogeneous group of talk show hosts: only men.

RTL late dangling

Eva’s attitude is seen as ‘daring’, but is not tenable according to Rob Goossens. If the presenter really wants to make a decision about her upcoming TV years in the fall, then an interim solution is needed, according to him.

You can’t let RTL dangle for that long, says Rob. He says in the BLVD Podcast: “I understand them both, only the contract expires at the end of the year. Thinking about it for a while means that in theory Eva could say at the end of the year: ‘I’m giving up’, and then you as RTL are left with a hole.”

Intermediate solution

Rob thinks that RTL would do well to work on an interim solution with Eva. “If I were both, I would now say: ‘Let’s extend a little longer, then it’s fine if you come back to it in the fall, but then you just stay until the summer of 2024.’”

He concludes: “Then you don’t have to say to Eva: ‘We want to know where we stand now’, but then it makes less difference if she says at the end of the year: ‘I’ve thought about it for a while and… ‘”

Back to NPO

Lately it has often been suggested that it is not inconceivable that Eva will return to the NPO. The salary ceiling there is ‘only’ 223 thousand euros, but she can easily add to that with some smart constructions and she can start making television there at a prestigious time slot: every evening at 7 p.m., just before the Achuur news.

A golden move, thinks Angela de Jong. Although she would also understand if Eva simply opts for RTL’s money again.
