Is duckweed the future of agriculture?
Duckweed is the smallest plant in the world, but also the fastest growing plant in the world and it is full of proteins. ” One third protein, which ensures that you can produce a lot of protein on a small area. And that is of course interesting in view of a rising population, increasing pressure on nature and deforestation. And we are looking to increase that population feeding on a global scale,” says Reindert Devlaemynck, one of the few real specialists in duckweed. He even has a doctorate on the aquatic plant.
Flemish agriculture is also looking for proteins that do not come from livestock. Soya is such a well-known product, but duckweed can do even more. Maybe one day it will become one of our new crops. And duckweed is not only useful.
It has a very special texture, a little pronounced taste, but culinary it offers many possibilities, not only in terms of color. A number of chefs are certainly interested, but in the long term duckweed could become a really important product. Much further research is still needed.