Is Danielle the doppelganger Angela has been searching for all her life?

47-year-old Daniëlle Weeland thinks she is the doppelganger that 51-year-old Angela Pouwels has been looking for for decades. “I saw the call on Facebook and thought she must be my doppelganger from the past. Like Angela, she was regularly addressed as a teenage girl that she had not greeted a friend. “But then I would not have been there at all, so that must be Angela.”

On the couch at Angela’s home in Zaandijk, the women try to find out whether they are indeed each other’s doppelganger on the basis of childhood photos. Danielle has only a few pictures from her childhood. “Both long hair, the shape of the eyebrows, the nose. And a certain look. Then I really see myself in it,” says Angela.

no resemblance

But when they look each other in the eye now, they see absolutely no resemblance. “No, not at all now”, says Danielle and Angela thinks so too. “I do see similarities in character and actions. Both spontaneous, a bit busy and we like to talk.” According to Daniëlle, they used to come to the same places and grew up in the same neighborhood.”

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Angela once saw Danielle at work in a supermarket when she was in her twenties. “I didn’t dare to speak to her then.” Danielle says that she did indeed work in that supermarket at the time. Whether all this is conclusive proof that they are each other’s doppelganger remains the big question. Angela is still keeping it open and is curious if anyone else reports. One thing has become clear anyway: the ladies get along very well and plan to meet up more often.
