Is aftersun a waste of money? Expert explains what to do if you are sunburned | Healthy

Got a little too much sun? Well, whoever burns his buttocks has to sit on the blisters. And apply a thick layer of aftersun, is the advice. But to what extent does aftersun actually help when the skin is burned by the sun? We asked Jetske Ultee, research doctor in cosmetic dermatology.

The red coloring of your skin all has to do with the UV radiation. UVA and UVB rays dry out your skin, wrinkle and damage the DNA of the skin cells. This damage cannot be repaired with creams. The skin cells themselves take on this task. But be aware that the damage can pile up: the more often you burn, the greater the risk of skin cancer. Is greasing after sunburn completely useless? Not that. After all, burned skin can also shed.

,,Who thought that aftersun was a superfluous step and especially smart marketing? “That is not the case”, Jetske Ultee responds in an interview with magazine Good feeling. “If you’ve been out in the sun, hydration is very important. By lubricating, you prevent the skin from drying out and help restore the skin’s barrier function. The sooner you calm your skin, the better.”

The right ingredients

“Although you do not necessarily have to use an aftersun product,” emphasizes the research doctor. “They don’t really differ from regular body lotions. Sometimes you even have to be a little careful with it, because it can contain irritating substances such as dehydrating alcohol or menthol. I recommend that you look for a cream with moisturizing ingredients that prevents your skin from drying out. But avoid a cream that is too greasy, as this makes the skin less able to lose its heat.”

How can you check whether you have a water-based product in your hands? See if ‘aqua’ is mentioned in the ingredients list.


After cooling, start greasing and preferably apply a layer of cream on the skin every few hours

Jetske Ultee

In addition, check whether it contains other active ingredients that do your skin good. “Almost all after-sun products contain aloe vera. But if you look at the scientific research into this product for sunburn, the results are not unequivocal. For example, a well-conducted study with a cosmetic product containing no less than 70 percent aloe vera showed no effect on sunburnt skin,” says Ultee.

Painful skin due to burning or suffering from acne, scars or excessive hair? Read more on Independer about additional insurance for skin therapy.

Although little research has been done on the exact effect of other active ingredients in post-burn creams, moisturizing agents such as glycerine and hyaluronic acid, barrier-repairing agents such as niacinamide, calming agents such as pathenol, licorice root and beta-glucan and antioxidants are certainly recommended. We know that these substances restore the moisture balance in the skin, strengthen the barrier function and calm the inflammatory process. After it has cooled down, start greasing and preferably apply a layer of cream to the skin every few hours.”

Other tips after sunburn

• Cool your skin. Not with ice, but ideally with a lukewarm shower or bath. “Lukewarm compresses with cooled green tea are also a good idea,” Ultee says. “Green tea is calming. You can also take a bath with oatmeal. Sprinkle about 40-50 grams of finely ground oatmeal flakes in a bath with lukewarm water and let it sit for about 15 minutes.”

• Pat your skin dry instead of rubbing.

• In the first hours after the burn, you may be able to take a painkiller. An aspirin or ibuprofen helps against the pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

• Anyone with sore, red skin should avoid the sun. Even if you have applied a thick layer of sun cream. ,, Really give the skin that is burned the time to recover properly. So stay in the shade,” Ultee concludes.
