IRONMAN turns Calella back into a great triathlon party

03/10/2022 at 16:15


The Athletic Brewing IRONMAN® Barcelona and the IRONMAN® 70.3® Barcelona, ​​success of international participation

With 90% international participation and more than 85 nationalities, this spectacular event is one of the most important in southern Europe.

The last Sunday Calella has experienced a new spectacular day of triathlon with the celebration of Athletic Brewing IRONMAN® Barcelona and the IRONMAN® 70.3 Barcelona. Two tests, organized by The IRONMAN Groupthat throughout the day they have made the Maresme coast vibrate with a combination of emotions, effort and a great atmosphere throughout the entire route.

Also, The best classified of these two tests have been able to obtain one of the 55 qualifying places that are distributed to access the Supersapiens IRONMAN® World Championship Kona 2023. These lucky triathletes will have the opportunity to compete in the oldest and most famous IRONMAN® event in the world, and will receive this honor during the Slot Assignment Ceremony, which will take place today. Monday October 3immediately after the Awards Ceremony.

The test winners

The first classified of Athletic Brewing IRONMAN® Barcelona has been the Icelandic Sigurdur Elm Ragnarsson with a final time of 8 hours and 42 minutes and the winner in the female category has been the Danish Janet Dommer with a record of 9 hours and 24 minutes. The top 5 men have dropped from 9 hours, while the first three classified have done a time of less than 10 hours.

On the other hand, the first position of the IRONMAN® 70.3 Barcelona the french has taken her Amandin Colvray with 4 hours and 13 minutes, four minutes ahead of the Balearic triathlete Ricard Mari Ferrer. In women, the final winner was the British Megan Chapple with 4 hours and 23 minutes, with an advantage of 17 minutes compared to the second classified, the French Constance Minett.

Spectacular international participation figures

With a remarkable number of runners registered for the first time in a complete IRONMAN® event –no more and no less than half of the participants–, this has been, once again, a ideal test to start in the long distance triathlonand this is demonstrated by the thousands of triathletes who have managed to cross the finish line.

Among all of them, it is necessary to highlight the very high presence of international brokers, which in total accounted for 90% of the registrations in the complete test. So that, Among the more than 3,000 participants, almost a hundred different nationalities could be counted.among which 23% from the United Kingdom stands out –18% in the case of the IRONMAN® 70.3® test– and 7.5% from both France and Ireland –14.5% and 5.6% respectively in the 70.3® test.

More than 80% of those registered have participated for the first time in Barcelonaa fact that has turned this very special experience into a unique occasion for practically all the protagonists, who have been amazed by the support of the public and the good atmosphere that has been breathed throughout the day.

Finally, we must highlight the remarkable number of 23% female participation in the 70.3® test, while in the complete IRONMAN® they have been practically 13% who have registered. Among them, the rally co-driver Maria Salvowhich has successfully completed the test, thus culminating its list of sporting challenges this year, which included IRONMAN 70.3 Marbella, Andorra 21 Ports and IRONMAN 70.3 Andorra.

The Spanish triathlete with number 3016 entering the finish line

| Carlos Iturbe

An ideal route and with good temperature

Despite the considerable drop in temperature in recent days, the Mediterranean coast has given the participants a sunny day with a temperature of around 23 degrees that, without being too hot, has offered ideal race conditions.

All this, without forgetting the spectacular tour that at no time has moved away from the first line of coast. The swimming took place on the same beach in Calella, while in the bicycle section the triathletes have turned south to reach the town of Montgat and then return to their starting point. Finally, the circuit on foot, also circular, has passed through the towns of Pineda de Mar and Santa Susanna.

The swimming took place on the same beach in Calella

| Carlos Iturbe

All the layouts, in both tests, have stood out for having very little unevenness and low technical difficulty, which makes them ideal circuits to start in IRONMAN® tests or, alternatively, have the possibility of breaking a personal record in a suitable competition. to overcome oneself.

“An ideal environment for sports practice”

The regional director of The IRONMAN Group in Andorra, Spain, Italy and Portugal, Agusti Perezhas stated that “We are facing an IRONMAN of reference worldwide and we make an excellent assessment of the day, with the good weather that has accompanied us, with placid swimming, a bike circuit with new features and an ideal environment for practicing sports & rdquor ;.

Pérez has also highlighted that “Maresme in general and Calella are fantastic, an incredible territory, the sea and a road that has fantastic conditions for cycling”. “After fourteen years of being here we cannot be more grateful of the city’s welcome each year, the whole team works very closely with the local authorities and we are very happy with how the event is developing and what we are able to offer our athletes with one of the most spectacular starts and finishes of the IRONMAN & rdquor ; calendar, has concluded.

The organization of a test of this magnitude would not have been possible without the participation of the almost 700 volunteers who throughout the day have worked tirelessly so that everything was prepared for the participants. Among those who have helped promote this event, we must remember the essential participation of medical services, civil protection and the police, but also of the canoeists and motorcyclists who cover the course, the judges and, of course, the staff and workers. from the same organization.
